Killer Level 50

So i’ve been training for a while now and reached level 49 with 77.78% as you do you would have your level 50 clothing by now, I have it all except my weapon X_x I didn’t realise that I would have bought it sooner beacuse trying to find a decent Olympus is a pain in the butt,,,

So I went to free market and Megaphoned that I was buying an Oly,, I got lots of replies and the people who whispered me with good stats I whispered back but the didn’t reply 0.o and then they logged off or so it showed on my computer,, after that I went to FM CH1 and spammed there for a while but no replies T_T,, now getting very impatient im here blogging about it x_o

If anyone has an Olympus for sale Clean OR Scrolled please post your IGN or send me a private message,,,,,,



One thought on “Killer Level 50”

  1. I actually do have an atk 77 one, but it seems that you are on a different server T.T
    Oh well. Good luck on lvl 50

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