Level 50 at Last

Yes, I did it. I got to 50. Now I know most of you are thinking, oh it is only 50, but I beg to differ. I started Maple Story 2 ½ years ago. Yes, that long ago. Peff2 was my first character, and my favorite class, Warriors, and he is the one I got to 50 on. But I did not spend my entire time on him. I originally got him to 33, and the prospect of more and more boars made me start a new character. His name would be HippoKitten. I got him to 32, made him a cleric, and then quit on him once again. Mainly because Ligators is suckish experience. So then I was bored again! I couldn’t stand the fact that my brother, Tarheel91, had gotten to 52 at that time. So I got my butt in gear and grinded Peff2 to level 41. This was probably about a year later, and about at the same time, Tarheel quit his sin to make a dexless sin. At that time I was gaining about a level a month, and at level 43 on Peff2, Tarheel had gotten DexlessTelk all the way to 60. Majorly depressed, I got onto HippoKitten, who was now level 35, and Ludi Pqed all the way to 40. Then DexlessTelk was about level 70.

I had no motivation to play at that point, the only real thing I liked about MS was KPQ. So I made a luckless mage. And I got her to 39, and I quit her. So basically I had quit MS, I had started playing other games like Ragnarok, Gunbound, Talesweaver, etc. But then I made a deal with my mom. She said if I got good grades this year I would get NX. So I completed the deal, and got my NX. The fact that I had NX made me LPQ all the way from 43-49. But then at 49, I stopped again. I was so tired of Pqing, all the noobs seriously ruined it. So I quit again, the same as my brother, who had reached 82, and then hated Death Teddies like how he hates me. A LOT. So I took a final leave of absence, and on December 24th, I grinded for 4 hours at Straw Target Dummies and watched as that unfamiliar level up sign appeared above me. I leaped out of Mu Lung, and screamed to all my buddy list and guildies. I had gotten to 50. I got a few congratulations, and I then logged off, because I needed a nap, bad.

Yeah, I guess thats my story, I got to level 51 today, after grinding for 3 hours. So I am done LPQing. Yay. Currently I have Peff2 (51 Page) HippoKitten (44 Cleric) LuckisBad (39 F/P) Telk00 (41 Bandit) MMOTales (33 Spearmen(YES I MADE A CHAR NAMED THAT)) IndigoGirl (20 Rouge) BalrogHunter (16 Archer) Keladry (13 Warrior) MudSicle (31 I/L) and yeah thats all. So click I liked this blog if you truly liked it, and if not, POST PL0X. Sorry about no pics, I was in a grumpy mood.

15 thoughts on “Level 50 at Last”

  1. Yes, this is Tarheel91’s bro, and yes, as im MMO,

    Edit: Oops, made tarheel something else.
    Edit2: I have 2 accounts, tar tar made one before I knew about it, so I made the one I posted on.

  2. Ummm, I dont know, he still checks the blogs on MMO. He posted in one of Grimno’s. I guess stories aren’t very high on his priority list.

  3. I’m confused. This guy has a character that Tarheel has, but he’s also Mrmop? The guy that posted this blog is both Tarheel and his brother? o_O;;

  4. MasterCheeze
    You saw me on basilmarket remember?
    This is the account Tarheel made for me,
    yet UhohitsMe is my account.

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