Lion’s Fangs… Ugh…

I’ve been searching for a decent Lion’s Fang for ages now. Me and Ramen [HeavyPoint] went FM hunting for them.
All we could find was a 67 7 Slot one, and a 73 0 Slot one. About 600k each. I bought both, and tried scrolling the 67 with a 30%. It failed. Then I tried a 70%. That failed as well. I figured; “Screw it.” so I threw one last 70% on it. It blew. This is by far the biggest money slump I’ve been in; in all of my MS days, and these crappy uber-expensive swords aren’t helping much.

Well; A LONG time ago, I purchased a decent Lion’s Fang. 79/5. I purchased said LF for 1999999. I sold it in my FM store for 2.5, and thought I got lucky. Now I actually need it, and I happened to see the same LF on Basilmarket. It’s selling for an astounding 3.75M.

I know, right? An awfully dumb decision on my part. Anywho, I haven’t been on MS much, because this completely turned me off. If anyone who plays in Broa could arrange something with me, I’d greatly appreciate it. I also understand if you don’t feel secure lending stuff out, so that’s fine.

On another note, my old girlfriend (IRL/MS) dumped me for another guy, and kept about 10M worth of stuff I lent to her. This is another major turn-off from MS. I don’t think I’ll be playing too much longer, Folks. ._.

Thanks for Reading~

4 thoughts on “Lion’s Fangs… Ugh…”

  1. No cussing, that includes poo for some reason. As well as that hot place in the center of the earth. Oh the agony.

  2. Hey, could you please make your blogs longer? I hope to see this edited, and welcome to MMOT.


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