Onward To 50!! [UPDATED!]

I’m still the slowest leveler in all of Bera. But at least I’m getting somewhere.


LOLOLOLOL!!! The monster’s expression is priceless. x’3

Anyways, on to what I was really going to write about…

Well, I was still trying to level like mad, and I was given the Rombot quest, and I was like, “OH HELL YEAH!” and my friend, Drake was like: “Omg, a boss!” and then I was like: “LES GO KEEL EET!” and he was like: “CH’YEAH!” and I was like: “CH’YEAH” too and then off we went toward the Block Golems. =3
When we got there, this big King Block Golem spawned on top of me (I HATE that! >OO) and almost killed me and Drake was like: “LOLOLOL!” and I was like: “Dude, go keel it!” and then we went down and I totally pwned Rombot with mah mad Hunter skillz, yo.

Then he went to go LPQ while I went to Whirlpool of Time to train more and then I grinded for a long time until I leveled to level 49. -________-;

Mostly I just grinded because I was really depressed. I admitted to my best friend that I had a huge crush on him and he totally rejected me. But it’s okay, he’s got a girlfriend so I totally understand. I still cried though. ;_;
So I just Mapled until I leveled. I’m still depressed. =/

Nikki and Chirs cheered me up though with our conversation and Drake hit on me. His pick up line made me laugh.

Guh.. one more level till I hit 50, then… PURDY NEW ARMOR!! =DDDDD

Wish me luck? Yes? WISH ME LUCK GAWDAMMIT!
Thank yew. <3


~Happy Mapling from 13lue to you!

Another P.S.

I just found out that Basil used me as a header for their site! I’m there! SRSLY!! Go look! Look!


Unlessss, it’s this cool effect that they used were if someone logs in, they see their character there next to Mr. Basil. XDDD Go see if it works for ya!

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