Bless You >.<

As I was LMPQing, I waited for haste and bless from the assassin and the cleric in our party. When the cleric wouldn’t bless, I thought up of a simple idea for a comic Enjoy 😮

Weee! front page :3

15 thoughts on “Bless You >.<”

  1. Rain said: “I don’t get it D=

    but it made me laugh anyway o_o”

    The Skill’s called Bless. And in party, it’s like blessing someone. . . get it? Bless you. XD

    Red Nose + FM El Nath mode = Cold = Sneezing = Bless you! =D

  2. . . .

    You’re mean. And I don’t even need to see your response cuz I know your going to say ‘No u’

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