Best friend got hacked…

I thought this would have never ever happened to my best friend Bao…. It was all a great day today, and because my friend was getting unbanned for sharing accounts, and then when he finally got unbanned, I spammed welcome back stuff to him, but he some how didn’t respond back, I called him on his cellphone, and some how, he said he was coming home from a walk. I told him you were on his account, then he was surprised that someone was on his account, only me and Bao know the access of the account. Then he came back home, and then he couldn’t log on for some reason, he logged on to his hunter, and then I went on my chief bandit, and followed my friends account to the free market entrance. Then there he was, with a mule? I then for a while I tried to log on to my friends account, but I was being too late so many times, then my friend Bao got on finally, and then he looked at his items, his items, and money was all gone… Just everything was gone… I felt anger all upon me… That hacker if I ever know or see him I will beat him or her up badly. I know that won’t solve anything but I want this anger to be gone. After a while Bao was talking to his guild, he left and gave me his account for me to use. I was so angry I felt a little drop of tear fell off of me… I was crying… I miss my friend. He said he will quit for sure. We were best friend and go to the same school and know each other… I never have thought this would have to happen….

6/23/07 just when he got unbanned, he got hacked… In Broa… Kaosey was the hacker, I saw him trying to sell a Magicodar that my friend Bao was using. There are only limited Magicodar in Broa, and it does not drop from the clock boss anymore until someone sell it into the store or make it disappear. And the status was 111 magic attack and 5 int… Please report him or hacking and defame him as well… *cries*

7 thoughts on “Best friend got hacked…”

  1. Ouch sorry for the loss of friend in Maple. But hey look at the bright side, he still goes to your school.

  2. aw, I’m so sorry about what happened to your friend. . . gosh, I don’t know why people hack others, well maybe to make profit or just be mean~ one of my friends was hacked too, not a real life one but she’s a really good friend and she was depressed some for a while~

    ah, and I hope you and your friend get revenge on that no good hacker, and I hope it becomes a thing of the past as well, no use to dwell on terrible things~ =3

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