Meeting Victor was a bad Idea….

It was like a movie. It was a ordinary day…

I was doing Andre’s quest. His stupidness drank the holy water and like became possesed. All the NPC’s were in watching and made a fight circle. I beat him . . . . and he gave me a EXP card. He also wanted me to bring a white dress to a tomb deep into the dungeon/use-to-be church. And so I did.

I was walking to that dungeon place with the Zealots and hell hounds. I came up and saw 5 dead families. I didnt pay attention and thought to my self,”Wow they must be in the wrong place”. But then the dead family kept comming up until I saw it.

A huge shrek like creature who was lvl 67. I was like WOW! It did 1k on everything it saw. This is my first time I saw the thing called Victor. I got stupid and was like ” Precision strike should take care of this”. I shot him and I didnt even see a Miss on it. Then I thought my fighter can smack some sense to it. . . .Bad Idea. My fighter flew half way across the room. My scout ran to save him.Then while other familys tried to take him on, It came to my scout. He back-handed my scout and she flew straight up through the air.

Then Victor ignored everyone that was around him and came after my family. I tried running, but the Lag threw me off and he killed me 10 times. Im guessing hes still there too. I was mad and tried to take him on agian. Didnt make a difference I still got wooped.

I got un-banned from maple. I dont think Ima play maple until GE beta is over. The game is so fun. But I dont think anyone plays it. Or noone is on when I am on. And that lvl 20+ trainning place is too laggy. I need a new graphic or game card Dx

Thats all for now.
1. Shreks brother in law: Victor lvl 62.
3.My fighter trying to smack some sense into him.

5 thoughts on “Meeting Victor was a bad Idea….”

  1. Some more people thought it would be fun to summon high level bosses in the middle of training spots? >>;

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