Adventures of a Wise

A Wizard named Wise had 2 best friends, BlackWolf and Ryushin.

Wise was a LvL 48 Cleric.

Blackwolf was a LvL 54 Bandit

Ryushin was a Lvl 55 Hunter.

So one time, Wise had been hunting some Horny Mushrooms. He killed one and he found a Maple Lama Staff. A LvL 50 Wizard named Fires said, “May I please have that staff, I’ve been dying to have one.” Wise then gave the Maple Lama Staff to Fires. Fires then became best friends with Wise. Wise kept on bragging about his new friend and the Maple Lama Staff that he found. Ryushin was proud of him, but BlackWolf became quite jealous. Ryushin wanted to meet Fires because he wanted to see if he was to be a right friend for him. BlackWolf was spying on all of Wise’s friends, and no one saw him because he had his Dark Sight on. BlackWolf saw Fires lend his Maple Lama Staff to Ryushin because Ryushin was quite lonely and needed an item to remind him of all his friends. One day, Ryushin went out to fight Werewolves. Wise wanted to come along but he wasn’t yet LvL 50. BlackWolf followed the owner of the staff (Ryushin) with his dark sight turned on. Fires was hiding in the trees in the werewolf place because he was about to die. Ryushin was just looking at the werewolves, when all of a sudden, *BOOM*!… BlackWolf turned visible in front of Ryushin. Ryushin said, “What do you want, I knew that there was something wrong about you since the very start”… BlackWolf said “Enough of you”, and he killed Ryushin with his steely, right through his heart. Fires witnessed this. He needed to tell Wise about this as soon as possible. So he quietly went through the trees and into the snowy place. He was looking for Wise, but luckily he was just waiting outside. “What are you doing here?” said Wise. *Huff* *Puff* “Blackwolf is a traitor! He has murdered Ryushin for the Lama staff so he can sell it and get all his loot! Wise became sad and angry at the same time. He weeped for 5 minutes. Then he said, we must avenge our friend. Wise and Fires went to the man guarding the Werewolf place. Wise said, “We would like to go in please”. The man said, “Sorry, you’re not LvL 50 yet, please try again.” Wise said, “BUT WE WANT TO AVENGE OUR FRIEND!!!’ Replied the man, “Sorry, you’re not LvL 50 yet, please try again.” Wise was so furious that he just killed the man with his cromi. Fires said, “Man, that man seriously got pwned!” Wise replied “Thanks”.

Wise and Fires gave Ryushin a cure potion and they got revived and they went to blackwolf and killed him with a werewolf tooth by jamming it right through his head. lalylaly la (author got liek so toaly bord 0f this liek ya man)… AND HAPPILY EVER AFTER THEY SPIT ON BLACKWOLVE’S GRAVE!!!!

One thought on “Adventures of a Wise”

  1. haha , a good blog, kind of made me laugh (i dont really know how its funny o.o), but a bit confusing with so many names =P. yeah. it would be cool if you continued the story

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