Ah. Ever since I quit Maple for this game. It’s been a BLISS.
The graphics of this game is pretty good.
I got to Level 37. Earned myself 20 million rupees and got my Pantera Pet (Tiger pet, and yes, pets are free) to level 33.
I reached my Rank 2 (lvl 20) [Screenshot 1] Easily, and I’m dual wielding these sexy pair of Blood Red Knight’s swords.
In RappelZ there’s an Auction house which notifies you with an in game on screen notification when you are outbid. I will now continue to rant about pets.
Here are the info about pets:
There are types of pets – the functions and such
Rarity – Only Pantera, Tortus and Poultry cards can be bought from NPC, all others must be farmed for. And might I say, they’re hard to find. The pets u needa hunt are stronger and better.
Taming Success There are success rates to taming a pet. The higher the rarity of the pet, the harder it is to tame, not all pet cards success in taming. Breeder class have better success rate due to summoner bonus.
If a taming fails, you lose the card.
Worth – Untamed pet cards are so rare they can be sold to othe rplayers for over 9 mil. and that’s a LOT for RappelZ. Tamed ones cost even more, but different lvls have different pricing, so i’ll just name the fresh lvl 1 tamed.
(All prices are from Bahamut and Tortus Servers)
Basic – 100% drop rate (from NPC)
Common – 2% Drop rate
Uncommon – 1% Drop Rate
Rare – 0.5% Drop rate
Pantera – Basic, taming card bought from NPC for 8k
– Speed and Attack based
– Taming success rate 100%
– Worth nothing. Tamed lvl 1 worth nothing.
Tortus – Basic, taming card bought from NPC for 8k
– Defense and Health based
– Taming success rate 100%
– Worth nothing. Tamed lvl 1 worth nothing.
Poultry – Basic, taming card bought from NPC for 8k
– Speed and Magic based
– Taming success rate 100%
– Worth nothing. Tamed lvl 1 worth nothing.
Yeti – Common, taming card hunted from Hairy Eyes and Yetis
– Attack based
– Taming success rate 15%
– Worth 9 mil. Tamed lvl 1 worth 11 mil.
Blue Pixie – Common, taming card hunted from Blue Crystals/Fairies
– Healing based
– Taming success rate 15%
– Worth 12 mil. Tamed lvl 1 worth 21 mil.
Red Pixie – Common, taming card hunted from Red Pixies
– Fire Attack based
– Taming success rate 15%
– Worth 12 mil. Tamed lvl 1 worth 21 mil.
Orc – Common, taming card hunted from Crude Orc and higher levels. Orc Junior does not drop.
– Tank (High ATK/DEF/HP) based
– Taming success rate 15%
– Worth 12 mil. Tamed lvl 1 worth 21 mil.
Skeleton Warrior – Common, taming card hunted from Skell Warriors
– ATK/Magic based
– Taming success rate 15%
– Worth 14 mil. Tamed lvl 1 worth 23 mil.
Siren – Common, taming card hunted from Sirens
– Healing based
– Taming success rate 15%
– Worth 9 mil. Tamed lvl 1 worth 20 mil.
Salamander – UnCommon, taming card hunted from
– Fire Magic and Fire Attack based
– Taming success rate 5%
– Worth 40 mil. Tamed lvl 1 worth 60 mil.
Hawkman – UnCommon, taming card hunted from Vulcans and such
– Wind Magic and Wind Attack based
– Taming success rate 5%
– Worth 40 mil. Tamed lvl 1 worth 60 mil.
Angel – Rare, taming card hunted from Angels
– Healer and Light Magic/Melee based
– Taming success rate 1% (only 2 known to be tamed in all of RappelZ)
– Worth 90 mil. Tamed lvl 1 worth 100+ mil.
Kentauros – Rare, taming card hunted from Centaurs
– Speed, Magic and based
– Taming success rate 1% (only 1 known to be tamed in all of RappelZ)
– Worth 90 mil. Tamed lvl 1 worth 100+ mil.
I hope this pet info might psych up some Maple Players for a good game.
It’s fun, it’s cool, and the pets are FREE.
BTW, u dont need specific scrolls for upgrades. they use overall ‘cubes’ to upgrade armour and overall cubes for weapons.
screenie 1 – Siren, First Evolution – Siren Child
screenie 2 -Hawkman, First Evolution – Raven
Screenie 3 – Angel, Last evolution – Seraphim
screenie 4 – Orc Lord, last evolution lvl 125
screenie 5 – Skeleton warrior, last evolution lvl 125
rupees? That the currency back in my country XD
When i hear rupees i think of Legend of Zelda. I for got why. And this game looks like WoW and many other games combined.
When I hear rupees, I think India. >.>
And Indonesia too, and how as kids we used to bet each other ‘ONE HUNNERD BUCKS!’ ‘(IN RUPIAHS!)’ if [insert appropriate bet]. Ye-eah.
Hey, it’s Rappelz.
It was a sweet looking game, I played it once, for about a week, but I kinda lost interest. I’m sure I would’ve really liked it had I kept interest, though.
I liked Rappelz because it featured scantily clad females everywhere.
Paradise for Dest.
You and your White Elf skirts and the like.
When I hear Rupees, I think Zelda. Am I a tool?
I think of Zelda too >.>
On a side note I don’t even know why Rupees are Zelda currency, Zelda doesn’t even take place in India or anywhere near.
Judging by the characters’ physical type, anyway.
So Rappelz is good?
I’ve been intending to try it for a long time, but I’ve been too lazy to download it.
Anyway, MS + Rakion + Vector Tower Defense flash game + MMOT = too occupied for anything else
When I hear rupees, I think of India. Are you a tool?
Looking good there syinx. Haven’t heard from you in a while but everything looks absolutely brilliant.
Nice transfer to Rappelz. I wanted to try Rappelz before but I was Mapling.
~Lily x33.
Rappelz is FUN.
, but laggy. Ah well, It’s better than WoW -.-
Here’s my review on maple.
1. Monsters smile and cry.
2.Character is essentially a giant head.
3. Shop items do squat.
4. Graphics are lame, cartoony and over-lame( like over-kill, cept lame)
5. Music is dang annoying. It’s like some TellyTubby national anthem.
6. The are “GM”s at random intervals saying stuff like “Welcome to Maple, We hope you enjoy it”. Everytime you see that you remember it is a game and thus can’t become immersed.
7.Community sucks.
8. Trade is taxed. The tax money goes to the nobody.
9. Snowboards are weapons. What’s there to say?
10. Going offline for a month results in massive updates to do.
11. All updates tend to be bug fixes.
12. A description of higher level monsters from a fried who loves maple.
“Dude, they aren’t smiling at higher levels. They stare at me and make me fell like they want to slap me!”
Right, very scary,
13.Costs to go to certain areas are unbelievable.
14. Obstacles like thorn on the ground can kill a noob without intention. Even landing away from the thorns can cause damage.
15. Monsters present no challenge once you realize you can time your attack to push it backwards while you recover.
16. Typical “hit ‘n’ miss” system. You slash. It says hit. Or miss. No skill required.
17.I’m getting bored of typing. Email me at jeremy_edjan AT NOSPAM hotmail.com if you want to rant with me.
No offense to maple players, but I sitll think we need some better form of entertainment.
I’ll post some information about the darkness race soon.
P.S. Fear my bewb army !
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And some of the myth in the game is based from Hindu, Greek and Babylonian myths
Woah, they actually released the auction house? I quit around December when my guild disbanded. Had a level 51 bishop and a level 50 sorceror and a level 65+10 orc. Everything was way too overpriced at the time-lots of people quit. Empty pet cards were around 80 million. Anyways, if you play in the Tortus server and I didn’t uninstall Rappelz yet I think I have an empty orc card I could give you.
Also, Rappelz is a game with great potential. And the names of tamed pets can end up being the names of heros, demons, etc in history. I once got an orinthio with the name “Beowulf”. That was a happy six hours.
I rarely come to this website anymore though, so don’t get high hopes for getting a free orc card, considering you do play in Tortus and I didn’t uninstall Rappelz yet.
can you give me ur account my e-mail is identification_O_o AT NOSPAM hotmail.com