Disembodied hands. ;D

I kinda…
At my goal of getting to 33. =/
I’m at level 29, 91% right now.
It makes me angry, how I didn’t even get to my second Job Advancement.
I’ll probably disobey, and play Maple during the weekdays. <____<
-Still grounded-

A note on the new patch:
Yeah, I hate the new Smegas as much as the next guy, but something else I hate is the new blocked word list.
And not just how LONG AND UNREASONABLE the list of words that they block.
It’s the fact that whenever you get smacked down by that all-to-common blue box, you have to click the screen to move again.
It’s so frustrating, since I normally just clicked ‘Enter’, and tried to type the sentence without the blocked word.
So, before I can comprehend it, I’m like, jamming ‘enter’, then I realize that it’s not working.
Yeah, so…
Nothing good to report.
Aiight, thish is Darken, saying…

Pic 1: Something nifty that my friend found on myspace.
It has every user on it. ;D
-Doesn’t feel like giving you the link-
OH well.

9 thoughts on “Disembodied hands. ;D”

  1. Lol, funny how you can’t play that much and you’re grounded but yet you just made two blogs really quick recently!

    ~LaZzz. . .

  2. Ya, they were based on this weekend that just passed.
    The first one is what I wanted to accomplish, and the second one was on my total failure. O:

  3. yeah the swear filter is a pisser. on mapleSEA, im sure its just as bad, but the word gets covered by*** and ur message still gets out
    rather than have to type it again., the filter on global is impeding communications!

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