The New Smega War

And I thought everyone in Maple had brains. =/

I log on to Maple and I’m at 86% so I’m grinding like hell to get level to 45. Then this guy out of nowhere named PaperPencil started to spam those new smegas, saying really stupid crap and making me lag so much. Eventually, people got fed up with it and told him to shut up, but that only made him spam more.
It gets worse when some idiot from Scania starts to spam: “scania liek ftw!” and “bera is so boring” and it pisses everyone off even more and everyone is shouting: “Go back to Scania” and “FangBlade, take #1 for Bera!”
The nice thing was that FangBlade thanked everyone who cheered him on, what a nice guy. =)

So anyway, the smegas finally died down until this girl who probably failed at life has to smega: “White Power Fvck The Niqqers!” (3rd screenie)

Now everyone is all fired up again because of her retarded racist comment, especially my fellow Latins and the African Americans, and everyone begins bashing eachother’s race and I’m just training, reading all this and thinking that everyone in Bera has lost their God given mind… if they had one to begin with. FangBlade must be ashamed of his server!

And white people never cease to amaze me. =/

On a side note, despite all of the lagging from these stupid wars, I did manage to level to 45. Hooray! Now I’m only 5 levels behind 50!

~Happy Mapling from 13lue

15 thoughts on “The New Smega War”

  1. Scania’s just mad that they’re going to be passed up on having the highest leveled player.

    That makes me furious as well! D<

  2. I never lag from those smega v2.0’s. But I do hate the annoyance of it [but I blocked it using a chat invite once ] The more annoying think is the FILTER [stabs filter] TAKE THAT [gets sued] Darn. .__. [Sues them back for freedom of speech] Yay [Lost because it is their game] Rrrgh .__.”

    fwee. o-o

  3. People still play Maple even though of it’s high noob population and it’s illiterateness. If everyone hates these people so much, then just don’t play.

  4. Personaly, I don’t understand the whole need for the Emergency Patch, if people can just spam others with normal words, not foul words.
    I mean, I NEVER have enjoyed the cussing, but with the new SMEGA phones people are able to announce insults and stuff like PIC 2.

    Oh well, lol. ^_^

    – Little preacher man.

  5. benZON said: “Scania can die.

    So can smegas.

    So true.

    PS You go, Blue. That 3rd screenie, SO not true. But oddly enough, it’s mostly whites/blacks/latino(a)s that take the bulk of the ‘racism’ picture. So far I haven’t really found anything racist about us azns ‘cept for that whole. . . other. . . thing. >>;

    PPS Gratz on 45! Come to Sakura Cellions and I’ll train with you. :3

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