It’s always those wannabe noobs

Yesterday, I was at 75% from leveling to 65 so I trained very hard at mixed golem temple map. The map was empty when I got there so it was a real joy to have it all to myself. Now, don’t call me a map hogger but I prefer having the map to myself because I lag alot when there are other people on the same map, especially where monsters spawn fast. As I was training, lvl 4x wiz and 5x sin came to the map and they won’t cc when I asked them to. I hated making fuss about them not cc’ing so I cc’ed instead and got another map to myself. Luckily, I found another empty map so I went back on training on my oh-so-wonderful mixed golems. Of course, other people came to the map while I was training but they almost always cc’ed without me having to ask them. Those people were usually lvl 6x and above.

What I’ve been noticing alot nowadays while training on popular maps is that pros cc for you without a fuss, but it’s always the lower levels that persist and try to steal your map. Just because I’m a bowman, don’t assume that you can ks me with your lvl 4x sins and mages. Bowman at lower levels tend to get ksed ALOT, but my 6x hunter will not stand being ksed by bunch of wannabe noobs. When I can’t stand ksing by myself, I usually ask for help from my friends and guild.

For instance, there was this 6x sin who started ksing me at the z3 map couple of days ago. Being a pacifist, I usually don’t persist staying on the map but I was holding the map for a hermit friend. So, I asked him to cc because I had the map first and I can’t leave until my friend came back. This very rude sin wouldn’t listen and kept on ksing me, then went on calling me names. Omg…I was PISSED! I hoped my hermit friend would return soon to ks the heck out of him but alas…he logged off -_- I knew I needed help to teach this sin a lesson so I asked my guild. One of the guild members, a lvl 7x crusader, responded to my plead, and after partying with him for his wonderful rage, I was able to punish this sin While my ‘sader friend and I were busily ksing the sin, he said he would leave if we gave him rage. Did my sader friend give him rage? Nope, he didn’t
It was refreshing to see the sin leave, and I was grateful for my wonderful guild *sigh*

I don’t like being ksed but I hate ksing even more. But then…rude people must be punished for their dirty mouth. It’s karma: what comes around, goes around =b

2 thoughts on “It’s always those wannabe noobs”

  1. I agree. I don’t like ksing people either but sometimes there are just people who won’t leave you alone. Luckily for me I’ve sort of reached the level where people won’t really have the guts to ks me, unless they hate me for stupid reasons such as “I don’t like the guild that you’re in,” “I dont’ like priests” When they do piss me off, then I ask friends to ks -_- because I can’t really ks myself.

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