
Don’t you just hate it when people trade you and then they put up some useless item that you don’t need. This just happened to me today, i was at kerning and then this mage trades me and puts up an eagles crow(its a crossbow) and then she asked “need?” and im like *silence* and then i type “I’m a hunter.” After that I type “I’m holding a ryden and my character profile says that I’m a hunter so that usually means im a hunter.” Then she’s like *silence* and the next thing that pops up is TRADE CANCELED BY OTHER CHARACTER.

Another thing that gets on my nerves is beggars. Yay we come to the subject of beggars^_^. These people are USUALLY low-leveled and they waste your time by trading you and say “can i please please please please please have 2k -_-. How do you think that everyone else got so much money? By selling drops they got or training and saving up their money.

And then the last thing of course is scammers. One time this warrior tried to do the alt alt tab space thing and i put up cats eyes(yes i know there noobish but im a level 34 hunter) cancel, trade, put up 2, hes astounded, puts up some money, does alt alt tab space and i get the money^_^.

One thought on “Trading”

  1. Has anyone ever used auto-click on you with the trade button?
    Someone once did that to me so I also put the cancel button over the trade and kept auto-click going until he blocked trade. . .
    Serves him right -_-
    Also don’t forget about haste. . .

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