Solsunds Quest – Day 3

I decided to post two today as I missed posting yesterday and it’s not like Day 2 had much to say.

I was really looking forward to today as I knew I’d have a chance to actually sit and play for a good amount of time. Today started out pretty good with me starting out by trying to sell my items off to build up the cash for some armor but people just weren’t interested in buying from me.

I saw a lot of people clamoring for Sap of the Ancient Tree so I figured I’d head out and go fight Dark Axe Stumps to see if I could manage to get some. They took a decent number of hits to kill but thanks to Dark Sight I could always get out of whatever mess of enemies I would build up. Dark Axe Stumps were ideal for the fact that they drop Diamond Ores, Sap of the Ancient Tree and if I was really lucky Wooden Tops. I wasn’t very lucky at getting anything from the Trees except for a large number of Firewood but Firewood are in decent demand as well, if not selling for nearly as much.

I played and fought in this area for a while and eventually moved on to Sleepywood to recover in the Sauna there. Once rested up I headed down into the Ant Tunnels to see how good of an area that would be to fight but I found it didn’t work out too well. There aren’t too many safe areas to stand in Ant Tunnel 1 so I ended up at the only real one. Once there I met a player, Killersoulz3, who was shocked at seeing a Level 33 Assassin walking around with no armor on, throwing Subis.

Here I found myself split in a dilemma as I’m a very honest person as I am playing a role of how someone would recover if they were hacked. I ended up telling a story about how my stuff just started dropping in an area with a bunch of people in it and how I lost it all. Not the actual truth, though I did have a Party Quest teammate who said that this happened to her at one point.

I wasn’t begging for anything from this person, I was just trying to maintain the role I am playing but he dropped 7k worth of mesos for me and I accepted. This brought me right under the 40k I needed for armor and I was planning on using my fame on him when I got disconnected.

After working my way back down to where he was I famed him and thanked him as I was now only 3k away from some armor and he dropped another 3k and two Orichalcon plates for me to sell. He also requested to be a buddy on my list and said that he’d help me out more when he managed to sell an expensive item he got. He said he’d give me another 100k at that point. I thanked him generously and managed to actually fame him.

It was time to head back to Kerning City and purchase that armor I wanted though it turned out I never purchased a return scroll so I took the long path back from Perion. Once I arrived I checked in the store and found that the top armor was only 5k more than the bottom and was better so I figured I’d go see if I could sell some stuff again. I had much better success this time and I managed to sell my Pig Heads, a bunch of Firewood, all my Blue Mushroom Caps and most of my feathers, leaving me with 70k.

I also found someone by the name of GuidingLight who was begging for 5k for a weapon. I was really starting to feel bad as I felt I deceived Killersoulz3 so after talking to him for a bit I gave him the 5k mesos that he was looking for. Even after all of this I do feel bad about deceiving Killersoulz3 and I will repay him once this mission is complete. I decided at this point that if Killersoulz3 offers me the 100k from the items he plans on selling I will accept and I’ll repay him with the extra pair of Dark Shadow Pants that I received from a drop a while back. I managed to sell one pair for 400k and was keeping the other for when I hit level 40 but I do plan on heading back down and fighting Propellys for another pair anyways.

So now I had way more cash than I had expected to have at this point and it came time to make a decision about how to continue. What would serve me better at this point, buying armor or buying a Meba? In normal circumstances this would have been a moot point as 65k is not enough to head to El Nath and return to Victoria Island and purchase a Meba along the way. It also is not enough cash to even get to Ludibrium with enough cash left over to buy the Meba. However I had buddies who were online and when I checked to see if any were in Orbis or Ludibrium, Joe98789 responded to say that he was heading there as soon as he finished a quest.

I talked to Joe for a bit and he agreed to purchase the Meba for me once he arrived in Ludibrium and that we’d use the Free Market to trade the items. In the mean time, while I was waiting for Joe’s ride to come into town I headed back over to Perion to fight Dark Axe Stumps again. This turned out to be a good idea when one of them dropped my first and only rare drop of the day, one diamond ore.

Finally Joe had the Meba and I went and picked it up and now I finally feel like I’m starting to play the game again. Just like how using the Garnier rather than the Fruit Knife was a major change switching over to the Meba was huge. The basic damage improvement took my damage range from 35-116 to 44-144 but the more important thing was that my weapon speed went from Normal to Faster.

When you start playing as an assassin you don’t really realize how slow of a weapon speed you have and in most cases you purchase a type of Titans. Because the Titans are Fast weapon speed your speed only seems to improve a little bit, then it improves just a little bit better when you reach the Meba. I’m probably one of the few people who have switched back down to the normal speed Garnier after playing with a Meba for so long and the lack of speed was really trying my patience.

After finally thanking Joe profusely I went out to try the new Meba and was just thrilled to see how much faster I can kill everything. The little bit of change in max damage combined with the raw speed of the Meba means that I can now kill Fire Boars without having to worry about getting overrun in enemies. Before hand I would mainly kill the Fire Boars to get them out of the way as they took around twenty-five regular stars to kill, or four lucky sevens and a few extra stars if the damage I did was low. Now I found I can kill Fire Boars in three lucky sevens with a few extra stars. While this doesn’t come close to being able to kill Fire Boars with two Lucky Sevens like it was before I started this it’s a major improvement.

Finally after making some major headway into recovering from having nothing I quickly worked my way up to 75% experience and left the game for the day. The decision to go for attack over armor was such a good idea as it will only help me gather mesos faster. Due to my limited funds I mainly fight things that I can kill or easily dodge and I do it with as little MP usage as I can so the armor would not be as large of help. The armor will mainly come in handy once I am ready to go fight enemies out in Ludibruim again.

Todays picture is of my playing with my newly gained Meba. So much fun.

One thought on “Solsunds Quest – Day 3”

  1. Eh I understand the whole guilt at deceiving him thing, but you since you’re doing an experiment of sorts, he has to remain oblivious until the end of it, and if you have to tell a lie to keep to the path you’ve set, well not a whole lot you can do about it besides making sure to explain to him later and paying him back which I suspect you will do, or have done. Anyway, I look forward to reading more and I await your next blogs about this.

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