Gms Suck?Think again!

If you think Gm’s are not doing there jobs,then you people are idiotic,look at these reasons.

1.The E-mails.

Yup thats right,YOU guys send them so many freaking e-mails they can never get on the game,they are busy awnsering your stupid useless e-mails you sent them 6 months ago that you spammed.

2.The Patches and Server Checks.

You think that they never come on,but they do,they come on to ban hackers,but more,in patches they come on to see if its working,they dont want you on because it could make it diffacult for them,so they advise you to log off,they Go on the game =P.

3.The Updates.

Gm’s have so much chetching up to do,they barely have time for logging on,they have to cetch up with Kms and MapleSea alot that they are updating the game so much the barely have time for logging on.

4.The idiots.

Hackers play a big role in maple,they make the game,but hackers do ONE good thing,think about it:

Hackers dont exists in maple,Gm’s dont need to log on to ban,since they dont need to,there gonna start slackin off and think “Hey,theres no hackers i dont need to work anymore” and they MIGHT even quit the job.

So overall,its YOU MAPLERS that make Gm’s a rare item to find in maple.

8 thoughts on “Gms Suck?Think again!”

  1. That’s all not true.
    1. GMs dont even answer the e-mails so how can they be spending so much time doing that?
    2. Maybe that’s true, but how would it stop them from coming on to ban hackers? It wouldnt.
    3. The one’s that update MS are NOT GMs. It’s the other people who work for Wizet.
    4. Now, that just doesnt make sense at all


    This is the funniest blog I read since the blog about CHuck Norris’s pico-pico hammer.
    GM? What do they do? Read my blog. =_=
    You don’t know the evils of life. I do.

  3. 1)GMs don’t answer emails but they do read them. It’s just that you prob made some stupid email they don;’t wnat to waste time responding to.
    2)i agree. Just because you doin’t see them doesn’t mean they aren’t on. Also they can hdie thier GM symbols now.
    3)yeah GMs don’t update. The Wizet Staff does. Gms just play the game. heh if you think we got it bad think about Maple Europe. lol.
    4)that isn’t true. Like you said in# 2 they test out the game so thye would sitll have something to do. Also no hackers would mean mroe free time for GMs which means they can make mroe GM events thus boosting MS’s popularity

  4. Then Wizet should hire more people.

    The Ninja would work for free, and is sure there are others.

  5. Erm, This blog is overdone but he proves some points. I will correct where I see necessary towards SNIPERMAN12 and Cbouncerrun.

    SNIPERMAN12 said: “1.The E-mails.

    Yup thats right,YOU guys send them so many freaking e-mails they can never get on the game,they are busy awnsering your stupid useless e-mails you sent them 6 months ago that you spammed.

    2.The Patches and Server Checks.

    You think that they never come on,but they do,they come on to ban hackers,but more,in patches they come on to see if its working,they dont want you on because it could make it diffacult for them,so they advise you to log off,they Go on the game =P.

    3.The Updates.

    Gm’s have so much chetching up to do,they barely have time for logging on,they have to cetch up with Kms and MapleSea alot that they are updating the game so much the barely have time for logging on.

    4.The idiots.

    Hackers play a big role in maple,they make the game,but hackers do ONE good thing,think about it:

    Hackers dont exists in maple,Gm’s dont need to log on to ban,since they dont need to,there gonna start slackin off and think “Hey,theres no hackers i dont need to work anymore” and they MIGHT even quit the job.”

    1. GM’s do NOT answer your e-mails, the staff at Wizet do.

    2. GM’s also do NOT do the server checks, but actually, Wizet does.

    3. Erm, Pretty much like what you said for number two. And Wizet is only getting it when Nexon can translate the updates for us.

    4. Hacker’s do exist. I almost became one and I had a few friends who became but for reasonable reasons. GM’s do their best, please give them some slack.

    Cbouncerrun said: “That’s all not true.
    1. GMs dont even answer the e-mails so how can they be spending so much time doing that?
    2. Maybe that’s true, but how would it stop them from coming on to ban hackers? It wouldnt.
    3. The one’s that update MS are NOT GMs. It’s the other people who work for Wizet.
    4. Now, that just doesnt make sense at all”

    1. Yes they do. You may need more than yourself to try it, but try at least. My friend was falsely banned since he was weirdly standing outside of a Zakum being hacked and holding his Eclipse which he bought from a shop. The Eclipse had data of being hacked from Zakum. Wizet didn’t care and didn’t unban him, but they AT LEAST answered him.

    2. Yeah. I explained this.

    3. Thank-you for explaining.

    4. Yuss.

    By the way, GM’s are ALWAYS on in every server, probably at least 5-10. They are quick, but can’t help ALL of the reports. Plus usually they don’t appear unless at least 3 or more people at least report in a close time frame. They may only announce who they ban every so often, but if you read the ban lists on, you’ll see. Plus, it’s only about ¼ of the actual amount. They are just so many hackers, that not all of which you see get banned.

    These topics have been made her and everywhere else SOO MANY TIMES, it’s just sad seeing this. I hope my message got through to you.

    – Ideas? Comments? Please PM me because I don’t go back to blogs to reply. –

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