Yes. I’m a girl and i know whenever i squeel it’ll sound like a girly girl. But I ABSOLUTELY AM NOT A BOYISH GIRL. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.. But just sayin’. I’m just utterly typing random things right now. I took 2 tylenol cold pills and missed school AND will have finals this week. -Hooray- right? Anyway!
hum.. Where shall i begin? -As always- MAPLESTORY?
Well my guild “reviving” is going quite well i should say. I have about 13 new members. Don’t recall what their names were or remember.. or even know O_O”.. But hey.. watcha gonna do? I guess i’ll just call them the ‘new people’ for now. Just like in any school someone always gets the name of ‘The New Kid’. Odd, but frequent.
Anyway, back on subject!! Yesterday on my Priest in Windia of Itadakimasu <33 (Yes.. i’m the leader ;D). I went APQing, quite normal sequence: Find a party -> Go APQ -> Kill Ergoth -> SELL APPLES APPLES APPLES!! Well i had a slight–okay BIG problem. So this Chief Bandit that’s i don’t know.. 80 i guess was lagging. And i’m completely find with laggers–as long as they don’t ruin my pq.
..Unfortunately.. He Dc’d on stage 3 and everyone in the party was going nuts. And the leader left and was like “Sorry dudes, din kno me fren dcs wen lags.” And all of us were like “You didn’t know laggers DC?!” He was amazed. Funny though.. but a waste of my APQ ticket.. Oh well. Guess i’ll wait another 6 hours to APQ.
Moving on to today–when i was sick at home with a congested stuffy nose, sore throat, head ache, and tired feeling. I decided to go on WoW and upgrade my undead rogue (Rosela). I went on the forums and joined a nice, end-game, raiding, literate guild called Elysium. Really nice people with good humor. Love it :]. AND GUESS WHAT?! IF YOU ALLIANCES SHALL SEE ME ON THE ROAD AND YOU ARE WORTH POINTS TO ME: YOU SHALL DIE!
Y’Know why? Because i decked myself out in TIER SIX–THATS RIGHT SIX!- gear. Thanks to a good guildie–Curare <3. AND i got myself an epic mount ;D. Lets see how you run away from me now! (S1-3) Okay.. my only screen shots. more to come when i raid Black Temple!! Well anyway. Tier Six looks amazingly cool especially if you’re riding on a flaming skele horse. LOOK IT LEAVES FLAME TRAILS! -Points to SS3-
AND i got myself two new daggers. The black misty one is called the “Claw of the Faceless” and i think the other one is called “Heartstriker”. Not sure. Correct me if i’m wrong. Anyway. I LOVE the black misty one! -gets all googly eyed- See! It brings black mist out!!
Okay.. i gotta stop doing this “OMG IT’S FRIGGIN COOL” thing.. I’m sounding nerd-ish :B. Proud of it!
A bit of a turn down though.. for you alliances that is . I can kill one in less than 1 minute
. RUN WHILE YOU CAN!! But i only hate–okay dislike– the alliances because i always get killed when i’m AFK or 30%HP Left Yeah.. you jerks -shakes fists-. But there’s a few that are nice :].
Well. Time to go take my sleepy cold/flu comforting pills that are supposed to make me drowsy.
I thought you were a boy. D:
O: Thought wrong
O: Thought wrong
I never think wrong. YOU ARE A BOY BECAUSE I SAY SO. Now go make me a sammich, son.
O: Thought wrong
I never think wrong. YOU ARE A BOY BECAUSE I SAY SO. Now go make me a sammich, son.”
Yes S’uh.
The Rule of Rightitude
Rule #1: I am always right.
Rule #2: If I am wrong, then refer to Rule #1.
How did you get to fight Ergoth in APQ? o.O
ZOMG TIER 6!@1!one! DDDDD; *envy*
We didn’t get to :[.
We didn’t get to :[.”
But, uh, he’s not in the APQ. He’s in GPQ. xD
We didn’t get to :[.”
But, uh, he’s not in the APQ. He’s in GPQ. xD”
SHE >o