Yes I’ll admit it. MapleStory as a whole is pretty much gone. MMOTMS has been swept up by many other things (sorry Darkie). I’ve been wasting 3 years of meh life playing this game, and boy was it fun. However, it was only fun because of my friends to talk to.
MSN pretty much stabbed it 5 times, gave a Roundhouse kick (lulz Chuck Norris good times…), and FALCOOOON PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWNCH’d it. MSN totaled it as a whole, pretty much. Training? PSSSSH. I’m too lazy for that stuff. I’ve been playing MS for 2 years and never really found training fun, thus earning me the level of 62. How nice. >_>
Now I’m like, MMOTales obsessed again lulz. MMOTMs allowed me to get to know about all you people! =D I know like, most of ya. o.o
As with MMOTMs, the RP lead me off somewhere away from MMOTMS. I’m still waiting for the RP, but I think it just went KABOOM with that spammer. Oh well. . . T_T
As many of you people know, I am the worst player everrrrrr. And proud. I still find this game rather fun, even though I die OVER EIGHT HUNDRED times!
This is a must-play. Play it noaaaaw!
That’s right. My birthday in one day. Yay!
Next blog will be my Birthday blog and will talk about the times I’ve been in here. (And trust me, I’ve been here for a decent time).
I’ll be honest on this one. Got into some arguments in a friend on MapleStory, so I just like, left. We’re friends now though, but I’m still leaving MapleStory. I’m only going back for the guild (which is in a Guild Alliance. That equals more work. @_@).
As you know, I’m playing Combat Arms. I kill mainly on mines and s***ing (oh wait wut?!). XP Mines ftw!
I’ve been playing Smash for a while now. Best. Game. Eber. If there’s any MMOTaler out there who plays Smash, please tell me. XD I wanna challenge ya to a Brawl!
I’ve been active on MMOTales lately, and talking with everyone is awesome. O: This is such a big community for a website that has been spammed, flamed, and left in the shadow by Mr.Basil/Captain (I know he checks us today, so no offense to Mr. Basil).
I’d like to thank you all for making the best community. =D Including the person that’s watching this. Yeah you. >O
So how’s everyone else doing? Fine? Good? Sexy? Please tell me.
So anywho, I gotta save the best for my next blog. See ya! -Pain
Lol Pain. Yesterday, Tarheel and I obliterated you guys. ):
I know. D: I suck. Plus, I had the beginners gun, since I’m saving money to buy a one month AK-47.
Wait, Combat Arms crashed on my OTHER computer. I switched it a few days ago soo
Combat Arms is eating all my friends’ souls. >: You will be missed. Lolol.
We all love Nexon.
Nexon’s only good decision was to keep Combat Arm’s NX fair
They’re not going to add NX weapons or anything, I think
People tell me Nexon is just adding clothes/appearances and everything to Combat Arms
Thank you God
are girls even possible on CA? o_O
i havent seen any D;
(I think)
That was mean of you.
Besides, it wasn’t that much of an obliterate. According to our pre-agreed on terms, we only lost by 8 kills
lolololol I kinda pwnt Dest and Arley. LOL I got 23 kills from that. Then again, Spade did most of the work. XD
That was our second game in Snow Valley. That was where I kept glitching. :>
I want to play with you guys!
-=The Nazgul=-
Friend request, Nazzy. Friend request.
My birthday was in July 12 =D happy birthday! (said this on your birthday)
My brother plays Combat Arms.
If that helps in ANY way. And im doin fyne.