My First Mission

Yay! Today I did my first mission ^^ I reached level 5 [Picture], went back to town to look for new stuff to buy, got myself some new clothes (Just a hat and boots… I also bought a shield right after this screenshot) [Picture] and headed back towards the mushpangs. Omw there I noticed an exclamation mark above Loyah’s (the girl next to Losha) head [Picture] Suspecting she had a mission in store for me I went to talk to her, and suprise suprise, she wants me to find Losha’s lost puppy. The puppy was in “The Middle Of Leren Mountains”, near the “Grownup Lawolf”. Never having heard of any of these things, I asked around a bit and finally found out in what direction I should go.

I spotted a Lawolf, kept on running and finally found these Grownup Lawolves. Had to run around for quite a long time to find this puppy (that was called Yorrn) but after a while I finally found it. Only problem was it looked lika scroll instead of a puppy o__O [Picture] After picking it up it appeared as a puppy in my inventory though, so happy I ran back to town, and talked to Loyah… The reward? 15.000 PENYA!


That, really made my day ^^ And, the good stuff’s not over yet. I was going back to killing, and suddenly got cast magic on me so I killed really fast o__O So I went to the Lawolfs I had seen earlier, and started hitting them. And they died! And I did not! And after less than 30 minutes I had gone from level 5 to 8 ^__^ So, a great FlyFF day for me :]


5 thoughts on “My First Mission”

  1. I love how it says “She will do it everything for this puppy.” We all love engrish.

    So, very good! I’m not sure if I did this quest, but I’ll assume I did. It’s very confusing where to find these monsters sometimes, eh? Congratulatiosn on the penya, too. Penya makes the world go ’round.

  2. Erk said: “I love how it says “She will do it everything for this puppy.” We all love engrish.

    So, very good! I’m not sure if I did this quest, but I’ll assume I did. It’s very confusing where to find these monsters sometimes, eh? Congratulatiosn on the penya, too. Penya makes the world go ’round.”

    This quest seems to be new, but there was a simmillar quest before, where you had to revenge the puppy by killing Small Burudengs :] The reward was way smaller on that mission though,

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