All posts by Siron

My First Mission

Yay! Today I did my first mission ^^ I reached level 5 [Picture], went back to town to look for new stuff to buy, got myself some new clothes (Just a hat and boots… I also bought a shield right after this screenshot) [Picture] and headed back towards the mushpangs. Omw there I noticed an exclamation mark above Loyah’s (the girl next to Losha) head [Picture] Suspecting she had a mission in store for me I went to talk to her, and suprise suprise, she wants me to find Losha’s lost puppy. The puppy was in “The Middle Of Leren Mountains”, near the “Grownup Lawolf”. Never having heard of any of these things, I asked around a bit and finally found out in what direction I should go. read more

My First Day!

Hey! Today was my first day in the really kewl MMORPG FLyFF ^^

I started with creating an account on the official website [] and downloading the game. After waiting the two hours it took (wich I spent surfing around looking for info about FlyFF) I installed the game and then spent another 30 minutes patching the game. Once I finally got in the game everything went good; I logged onto my account, selected a server (I chose Aibatt) and started creating my character. Siron. read more