Pirates in KMS!

Yea. About the Pirates in KMS, they’re pretty cool. But they really suck in like damage. I don’t know why a lot of people want to play as a Pirate. It’s really.. boring. >_<

At first, I thought it would be like really cool and stuff. And it was… for a while. The gunslinger can attack really fast, but their damage sucks like hell. I was doing like 200 dmg with double shot at lvl 19. And the damage is really unstable so I would hit like 50 damage once then hit 200 then 100. The infighter is also unstable. Both jobs really suck unless second job which I was too lazy to get to. With second job, both infighter and gunslinger become really stable and have really cool attacking moves.

Should I level both my guys to 30 and do the job advancement? o.o

Pictures won’t work for me so…

11 thoughts on “Pirates in KMS!”

  1. KilluaArith said: “Hopefuly its going to be like a dit. Lvl 10-35 just suck. But lvl 35+, your good”

    I suppose. They both have the basic skills to max out first before the cool skills. I’m guessing like level 40 + is gonna be fun. o_o
    Should I continue playing KMS with my pirates?

  2. May i know wad AP they are suppose to add? 0_O
    And are the weapons one handed without shield (like bows),2 handed,or one handed + shield (like daggers) ?

  3. Sounds like they did something right for once

    naturally fast classes are going to have low damage

    that is the point of classes

    this is an area where MS failed

  4. Gunslinger 1st = Archer 1st + speed
    Infighter 1st = Bandit 1st + I’m not sure
    I wonder if people will come up with like a gunfighter build or something. Like sindit.

  5. Isn’t it the assassins/bandits? Because they do a lot of damage at lowish levels, especially funded/low-dex? .__.;; Not sure though

  6. EonaGM said: “May i know wad AP they are suppose to add? 0_O
    And are the weapons one handed without shield (like bows),2 handed,or one handed + shield (like daggers) ?”

    I think it’s:
    Gunslinger- Str= level, rest into Dex
    Infighter- Dex = level, rest into Str.
    Not sure though. . .

    And Waffle, how did MS fail at the fast speed = low damage, and low speed = high damage part?

    @Shining: Dits suck (no offense? Might just be me =P) at low levels, their range is horrible and their damage isn’t great at all.
    I would think that mages are the best at lower levels once they have Magic Claw maxed. And mages don’t need to be funded to be LUKless, which ownssss.
    (I guess one example of the not fail = Bowmaster vs Shadower at 4th Job?)

    Edited again: Why am I talking about this again?

  7. Nexon is so stupid, they made another melee-class
    There’s only one magic-class, and they’re all range. Why isn’t there a close-combat magic-class

    So retarded.

  8. EbilStranger said: “Nexon is so stupid, they made another melee-class
    There’s only one magic-class, and they’re all range. Why isn’t there a close-combat magic-class

    So retarded.”

    My god I think he’s on to something!
    No, I’m serious, stop laughing >(

    ~Lily x33.

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