Whoo. o_o;

I have an Evil Wings (Wing, whatever) now. 😀

It has +4 Intelligence and 93 Magic Attack on it. I don’t care if it was overpriced, I didn’t pay for it anyways. >>;;

My friend got it for me. And it’s fcking love to have. D: I’m able to kill Soul Teddies just that much more easily.

Anyways… Recent going ons in Maple life. Nothing new, really. Just the same old, same old. I’m still level 65, but I do have a somewhat will to train. I just don’t know where to go. Because Zombies are usually crowded to all hell, and Soul Teddies aren’t as quick EXP as Zombies were. The next best things are Wraiths, I think. And they actually drop halfway decent things. But eh…

It all depends on what I plan on doing. I really want to become a Priest now, but I’m also thinking about getting into WoW once I get a job. And if I really want to, I’ll probably pay for some friends to play too. .w. I mean, what good is playing an MMO without friends? That’s the only reason I’ve been through dozens of games, because almost noone I know is on there, and doesn’t care to change. It kinda sucks, to be the only one who is willing to step outside of Maple and try something else more than half the time, or juggle a few.

I have alot of time on my hands, although I’m looking to change that.

ANYWAYS… There’s really nothing more to say on the topic. I’m shot for where to train, and it annoys me.

Good night, world.

2 thoughts on “Whoo. o_o;”

    Nice Evil wings btw. About the training places, zombies, soul teddies, and wraiths are the only ones I can think for now,
    Anyways, see you online again.

    ~Shadow aka Sinjies

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