21 thoughts on “MY 6th comic”

  1. Ooh~ I love it! this is probably my favorite one yet out of all of you comics.
    It was organized a bit neater, and it was just so. . . Cute! XD The randomness, hee hee :]

    Awesome song too. Must. . . Sing. . .!

  2. Oh, I’ve got a lovely bunch’a coconuts. There they are a standing in a row, BIG ONES, SMALL ONES, SOME AS BIG AS YOUR HEAD! Oh, give it a twist, a flick of the wrist, that’s what the showman said,

    Man, i love that song! x]

  3. cool, its my best friend derek, wow HES KNOWN ALL OVER THE WORLD! BROA ROCKS >< dammm lucky derek

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