School VS MapleStory

Ever since school started. NO ONE IS EVER ONLINE IN MY GUILD.
It’s really sad. I mean, even i make time to say hi to my character.
Poor Me.

8 thoughts on “School VS MapleStory”

  1. School is MUCh more important then Maple.
    Trust me.
    I have about 5 posts on this subject.


  2. they probaley want to enchance their social life and get higher grades to pass the grade

  3. Well in the long run, MS is about leisure anyway. School is about getting a good job down the road.

    That said, maybe they got bored with it. My relationship with Maple is a very on-off thing,.

  4. School is why my online life was nonexistant for the past three months D: But school is important. You gets an edumikashun.

  5. School pwns me.
    I love school though. I really do. (call me a nerd, i dont really care)
    All my friends are there, and i learn.
    Stay in school.
    Cuz school without the “s and h” is cool. d^.^b
    (i saw a bus, and it said “Cool bus” xD)

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