To stop the questions

Hey kids! I haven’t been on this site for oooo so long. Well i’ve seen numerous blogs asking when 4th jobs coming out, when new towns are coming and stuff like that. I’m going to let you guys in on a big secret. If you tell anybody what I am going to tell you, I will hunt you down and eat you like a fish!

I am accually a Tespian tester. I’m retired in global, I switched over to Tespia after Nexon joined in with Wizet. Can you guys believe it? They accually let me join the test server after I retired. Well before I retired I saw numerous e-mails of new things happening in the game.

I will tell you about 2. After I finish this blog i’m going to lvl my shadower. Alright, the 1st one is that Shanghai city may not come out in global. MSEA is not yet certain. You may or may not know but Shanghai city is the japanese suburban city. It’s prettay awesome and there are great quests there.

The 2nd update that MS might have (global) is that Henesys party quest is not coming out! I got an e-mail that said every version but global and maybe not sea will get it. I’m sorry people, send me a mail if you wanna know more.


One thought on “To stop the questions”

  1. Screenshots please.


    In this case, guilty until proven true.

    Post script:
    In case you don’t know how to screen shot,
    Press “Print Screen” and paste it onto any art program.
    Sometimes it says “PrtSc” in case you can’t find it on your computer, but I’m pretty sure it’s on every standard keyboard :]

    Just go ahead to your email address and make sure you get the body of the email with the text you spoke of, along with the email of the sender and email of the reciever.

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