Bob the Lazy Warrior ~revised

huh i submitted this twice, and i get replies instantly dated 10/4, so i delete them. is this a glitch

original: link

Bob had just received mail from his brother, Joe. As the mail mushroom left, Bob opened the letter. “Dear Bob,” it said, “I bring news of Victoria Island. I helped this guy named Blackbull build a house. It was reletively easy, and i got an awesome shield. Come soon.”

Bob, wanting to make some easy money, left the island. He met up with Blackbull.
Bob: Okay, now I’m here. Give me a shield.
Blackbull: Who are you?
Bob: Shut up noob. Give me the shield.
Blackbull: then get me some tree branches and firewood
Bob: What!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have to work for the shield!!!

Being pissed, Bob leaves and goes back to the port.

Ship Guy: Sorry u cant go back
Bob: Why not.
Ship Guy: Hey, go blame Wizet. Dont u read my speech bubble?
Bob: Why the heck would I read your dumb speech bubble.

They have a fight using very sophisticated language.
All of a sudden, a flame erupts around Bob. He looks pissed. An eagle appears above his head, and Bob becomes a “retard”. Then, the flames grow larger, and his hair goes all wierd like Dragonball Z. Bob advances into a mental retard. But since the fourth job isnt out, he couldnt become a supreme mental retard.

His powers grow stronger, and it is felt by everyone. Atlantis, which is now known as aqua road, shifts down into the bottom of the ocean. El nath is sent into a never ending ice age. A GM’s coffee mug spills at the GM head quarters in Heneyes.

” That’s it!” yelled the GM. He finds Bob. “U (more sophisticated words)!!!!!!!!!!!!! You spilled my ( sophisticated word) coffee.” Then he kills him. The end.

Rate I like it if u like it

6 thoughts on “Bob the Lazy Warrior ~revised”

  1. rumors says if ur lvl 100, thats going to be a npc. actually when ur lvl 100+ and the next patch or so, thats going to be an npc.

    but mostly its just a glitch or something.

  2. lol its like some gm was ,messing with the background and then when trying to fix it they forgot that spot XD

  3. Renome said: “lol its like some gm was ,messing with the background and then when trying to fix it they forgot that spot XD”

    they could hide like
    2103583486734986754 mesos in that black spot O_O

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