
The following is a fictionalized account of my (very short) Maple day


The young archer looked up at his older brother. “Really? All I have to do is give that person these trinkets?” He held in his hands some Solid Horns and assorted Pixie pieces.

“Yes. Just go up to him and give them to him.”
“But what about.. I thought you were going to use a 10% scroll on my bow first?”
“Not now. 10% scrolls are pretty hard to get right now. But we’ll get you some, in time. For now, just do this. Go on, nothing’s stopping you.”

The young archer walked to the man, who according to his name tag was “Staff Sergeant Charlie”.
“Um, excuse me? My brother said to give these to you.” He gave the man the sack of objects.

“Yes, thank you very much. This is what you get in return.” As the archer watched, a blue glow of light surrounded him. He had grown a level!

While this Staff Sergeant Charlie rummaged through the sack, the young bowman saw, to his astonishment, that he had grown another level, and another!

“Alright. Here’s your reward.” The staff sergeant filled the bag with some pieces of wood, a few fruits and pieces of meat, and several different kinds of potions.


So basically, while I was hunting on my cleric for a 10% bow scroll (once again), I just decided, “screw this” and went and exchanged the EQ pieces I’d been saving up. Which means,

I’ve officially started my STR-less archer! ^^

[1] Before
[2] After
[3] A nice little, um.. not sure what to call it >_> that I made.

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