People asking about Mark of the Beta

Hi, I am a beta player that wields the Mark of the Beta. Other Beta players reading this should understand that IT IS SO ANNOYING WHEN PEOPLE ASK “OMG I WANT THAT HAT!!!!11111!!!1” It is annoying, lol. I am getting tired of saying “It is a special item only for Beta testers.” Then they ask “How do I do the Beta Testing?” That is the funniest question in the world though. THIS IS THE FINAL RELEASE OF MAPLE STORY! BETA IS OVER YOU HALF LIVES!

Ok, sorry. Lost the calm, but it’s back. It’s back. MS should get chatting macros.

6 thoughts on “People asking about Mark of the Beta”

  1. Lols yeah me too I don’t have the bandanna I hvan’e been here since the beta but when i walk around i hear ppl asking ” cool how do u get that?” I’m likr ollin my eyes in reality in my mind, “those losers, god so retarted, ” DD

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