Rowen’s Quest

You may have read my rant about cursed dolls. Anyway, I’ve been writing a poem on my MP recharging breaks

Rowen’s Quest~~~

The air was still, there was no breeze
stirring ancient enchanted air.
As I was walking through the trees
I saw Rowen standing there.

Rowen was a fairy true
and was not kind to me.
However she had business to do
in Zombie Lupin Tree.

But Rowen could not do this task
and had me help instead.
“But what do I have to do?” I asked.
“Collect cursed dolls” she said.

So I went to the zombie lupin’s tree
and gave them quite a beating.
Against Heal they could only flee
and throw what they were eating.

Then I returned to the forest town
where Rowen the Fairy was waiting.
I put the 2300 cursed dolls down
and with no debating,
Rowen gave me a brand new hat
which would prove very aiding!

Don’t flame the hell out of me, okay? It’s practically my third ever poem anyway. In my life. So go easy on me.

5 thoughts on “Rowen’s Quest”

  1. Well, thee 1st poem i submitted people liked it. Theres no reason why people wont like this poem.

  2. This was an awesome poem. xD I LOVE it, you made it rhyme and everything!

  3. THANKS FOR PUTING ME ON THE FRONT SCREEN! And I love this poem. I like Lupons so I like this poem A LOT! I’m giving it a thumbs up!
    “I’m also rateing it as a good Blog.”

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