R’Aure. Raure. Rawr!

-gestures toward pic-
I so have something to ask that oaf >:(
Why are 2nd job bowmen so weak and slow, dammit!

Anyways, I thought I’d make a proper Leafre-blog this time, since my last one was… yeah.

Well, since last Thursday, I’ve discovered that there’s a lot more to be discovered in this patch. Not just Leafre, not just 4th job.

New maps. Aside from the ones in Leafre, which are the most obvious. There’s a new map near Kerning construction site that spawns octopi and blue mushrooms; a new map in the swamp area that spawns only jr neckis; apparently one in deep El Nath somewhere which spawns hectors and pangs; and some other similar stuff. Existing maps have also been changed, many of them with increased spawn and a better layout.

It rocks.

Hidden Street: Caution Falling Down is the octopus/blue mush map. It’s like an Ant Tunnel condensed into two platforms. With 2 people training there, my page-to-be (pagess? lol) can get about a level an hour.
Me in the new map
(Yes, my page is odd. 6 dex, 28 luk. I decided to try one of those str/luk builds, just for fun. I’m capping luk at 40, though, after that I’ll use dex for accuracy. That way I only lose 15 str’s worth of damage.)
And yeah. Level 20-30, go there. Grab a friend, take a platform each. If you’re a warrior, I recommend hitting everything once, bringing it to the left side (monsters on the left won’t go right for some reason) and mobbing them all there.

I haven’t seen any of the other new Vic maps, but I do know that existing maps have been… what’s the opposite of nerfed?

All of Cloud Park (pixies, nependeaths, etc) was revamped. New lunar pixies spawn really well; if you’re level 4x, go there now. So do lusters, stars, and -gasp- even the nependeaths. My friend started hunting for honey again wish him good luck. Also, the kitty maps have apparently been mirrored? or something, and their spawn upgraded. I have no idea, I don’t look there often.

Herb Town and Mu Lung have also been redone. Pandas and grizzlys, book ghosts, sage cats, basically everything in Mu Lung’s hidden streets spawn more and have better layout. There’s also the the ginseng jars and other junk. 50-year-old herb garden has two platforms, good spawn on each. A lot of the new maps are like that; maybe it’s a message from Nexon. Train in pairs pl0x.

There’s apparently some sort of Lich thing in the coolie maps. I heard it’s supposed to be a botting prevention system. Dunno how that’s supposed to work.

And in Ludi, the chronos’ map changed, I don’t know what else. I mean, you can’t expect one person to have noticed everything new.


So, that aside, I went and explored Leafre. That’s pretty much a given, right? But unlike the look-don’t-touch policy that most level 5x’s probably adopted there, I decided to go kill some stuff.

Range always wins.

I then proceeded to test the touch and attack damage of everything I saw


Gasp! It’s a fanfic-wannabe! Dun dun dun~~

The five bowmen waited, milling about randomly in the Orbis Guild HQ. Where is he? Although none of them said it aloud, the words seemed to resonate through the silent building. Now and again one of the bowmen would get up and walk around a bit.

Then, atop a tamed hog, wearing a pirate hat and looking rather epic, MarlneShad0z rode in, smiled, and greeted them with an informal, “HHIIII!”

Presently the five bowmen were given a scroll. It said:

is trying to form the guild,
Would you like to join guildmaster
and create the guild
Accuracy ?

-presses Accept-

Accuracy You have joined the guild.

Which would make this the first guild creation I’ve been to.

Yes, FallenArrow got outvoted as the guild name ah well. The guild leader happens to know me, so I’ma jr master ^^ aka an “AeroReign”. At last count, we had about 20 members? Probably something like 23-24 by now.

Oh, and our emblem is a smexy red phoenix.


BabelFish. A combination of Pocki’s blog title and comments on Arisu’s blog reminded me of this, hehe.
A couple days ago, knowing the notorious inaccuracy of online translators, I felt like using it to mangle a block of text and see what came out.

This is an entry in a bowman training guide I’ve been helping editing:

Kerning City Subway Line 1 Area 1

Spawn: High
Training Cost: High
Movement: Medium
EXP/HP: 1/9.2

Overall Rating: A-

I Recommend: As much firepower as you can. Definitely use an attacking skill.
Notes: Bubblings have high defense for their level, move quickly, and don’t flinch if you hit 29 damage or less. These attributes make them quite formidable to low-leveled players, and even the stronger level 20’s will find themselves using many potions. If they get close to you, your bow whacks won’t knock them back, so stay as far away as possible. Snipe from adjacent platforms whenever possible. Don’t leave the bottom alone too long, or it’ll become packed with Bubblings that you won’t be able to shoot at.

I translated it into Greek and back, and Korean and back. The Greek translated slightly better, in the sense that it got the meaning across but destroyed the syntax. The Korean one lost most of the meaning, but it’s still funny.

In Greek and back:

Kerning line 1 region of 1 underground cities

Spawn: High
cost of training: High
Movement: In
exp/$L*HP: 1/9.2

General estimate: A –

I recommend: So much a lot of force of fire as you can. Sure you use attacks faculty.
Notes: Vrasj’mata they have the high defence for their level, they are moved fast, and they do not recede if you strike the damage 29 or less. These their attributes render enough terrible in their low-jsopedwme’noys institutions, and even the more powerful decades of ‘ 20 levels will find ‘ many filters. If they take near you, your arc whacks to them will not strike behind, thus eve as much as possible makrya’. Snipe from the adjacent platforms whenever it is possible. Do not only leave in the most minimum point too much long, or he will become packed with vrasj’mata that you will not be in place to shoot.

And the Korean one:

1Kerning City subway line area 1

egg: High
training which is needed: High
motion: Medium
EXP/HP: 1/9.2

total grade: The A

me it recommends: There is a possibility you doing like as vast quantity fire. It is clear and use the attack specialty.
Week: You 29 damages or compared to it hits the target, to the Bubblings their levels hazard high direction, move when the enemy to be quick, the rear end you do not draw out. This attribute them daytime will be horizontal and it will be strong positively in one bow and it will make, even a stronger horizontality 1920’s used the many narcotic drug will discover. Them get you almost, your bow it assaults them will not knock after, they are like that and the grudge which is possible stay quite in over there. It is possible and it is contiguous phul Rae thu shoot at any time from the groove. From one person to be long too much on the bottom which it does not shoot and not to let to leave, or you to be packed in the Bubblings and.



11 thoughts on “R’Aure. Raure. Rawr!”

  1. Augh, that’s it. This MS blog has collapsized’d my barrier of bias. I must now install it.

    Anyone wanna tell me how big it is? O:

  2. Ryuuki said: “Augh, that’s it. This MS blog has collapsized’d my barrier of bias. I must now install it.

    Anyone wanna tell me how big it is? O:”

    About 800 MB?

  3. RussetAure said: “

    Ryuuki said: “Augh, that’s it. This MS blog has collapsized’d my barrier of bias. I must now install it.

    Anyone wanna tell me how big it is? O:”

    About 800 MB?

    OHHHH AWESOME. I can fit it on my MojoPac and lug it with me everywhere I go! @_@ Not that I will.

    Okay. All you MS-ers, BEEE PREPAAAAAARED. Ima comin’ for y’all. Watchout. D<

  4. ShiningWings said: “MojoPac?”

    It lets you carry a PC around on a USB or iPod and access applications from any WindowsXP. I think it needs to be a computer you have admin access to, but it’s still slick. xP And free. And totally professional. Most individuals use it for gaming.

    ^^ I highly recommend it. I dunno if it would count as advertisement if I put it here, but it’s free. Anyway, just type MojoPac somewhere and search. @_@

  5. Ryuuki said: “

    RussetAure said: “

    Ryuuki said: “Augh, that’s it. This MS blog has collapsized’d my barrier of bias. I must now install it.

    Anyone wanna tell me how big it is? O:”

    About 800 MB?

    OHHHH AWESOME. I can fit it on my MojoPac and lug it with me everywhere I go! @_@ Not that I will.

    Okay. All you MS-ers, BEEE PREPAAAAAARED. Ima comin’ for y’all. Watchout. D<“

    Come to Broaaa. o_o

  6. Thanks for the information.
    I’m just returning to MS. I’m pretty sure you know that since you’ve been to my blog, but,
    This is still useful, its helping me plan out my training.

    As for the slowness of bowmen, annoying indeed lol.

  7. Now I wonder how exceited you are seeing me Russet, considering that it should mean that I will be posting your long KLON interview, and I wonder how sad you are when I say “I will do it later”


    edit: rereading that comment, I have found it sounds a lot more sadistic then I thought oO

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