So I’m a freeloader.
SimpleMS. It’s a you-know-what -coughprivatecoughservercough-. Created by SimplyIntricate of MapleTip. (And I’m not a member of MapleTip – relating back to my first sentence.)
What amazes me about this is how easy it is to join up, compared to just about everything else on the internet (or elsewhere, for that matter). I click a link, enter an ID, password, and birthday, create a shortcut to MS.exe on my desktop, click Properties and modify a line according to their directions, click it, and start playing. No need to even download anything (well, except the original GMS, if you happen not to have that installed). Sure lives up to its name.
I made a sindit. I’ve always wanted a dit, actually. Mostly just to try out SB and haste and all that basic fun stuff. But I’d never have the time to train it nor the mesos to fund it. I did start a sindit, awhile ago, and got it up to level 24 or something before abandoning it.
This time though, training and funding won’t be a problem. Say hello to 30x experience and drops. [1]
Maple Island was easy; I leveled to 4 upon killing my very first snail, and the next four levels went by in about a minute. I went to Vic at level 7, did the Olaf guy’s job advance quiz thing, and gained 65 exp – er, I mean 1950 – which put me at level nine and three-quarters. (OMGWTH, HP reference?! Nuuub.) Anyway, since the Lith harbor cab doesn’t work, I walked to L forest and suicided, respawning in Kerning.
Having leveled to 10 on the way (yay for 90 exp snails!), I advanced to thief, and then completed the Path of the Thief quest (never knew you could do that…), which gave me (OVER) 9000 experience and leveled me to 13 instantly. Slight problem, though… I had no money with which to buy a claw, no razor/fruit dagger, and an awe-inspiring damage range of 4~6 with my level 1 sword.
Oh, and one more thing. All the maps around Kerning are infested with event eggs. Yes, they’ve invaded SMS too. And for some unfathomable reason, probably a glitch on Simple’s part, they start chasing you once they see you.
= no training for Russt.
I’m lucky that those stumps drop 30-150 meso coins, or I would’ve never gotten out of that hell. But eventually, I did, and after purchasing a garnier and a set of subis, things went by much faster.
After a mere hour at Ant Tunnel, I found myself level 30 and ready for my 2nd job advancement. Got the letter, went to the instructor, dark marbles blah blah blah. The drop rate of the marbles didn’t seem to be 30x, or even 2x, but whatever. I eventually got 26 marbles, but then something went wrong. [2]
Fortunately for me, re-entering the place doesn’t take away my marbles in SMS. So I recharged, went right back in, and owned those last 4 marbles.
And so I’m a dit. A dit with level 10 clothes, a garnier, and subis. [3]
I decided I wanted a meba, and knowing Ludi weapon store sells them, went to Ellinia. I had a sneaking suspicion about the boat rides, and I turned out to be right: they are instantaneous and free. Woot -visits every ticketing place in the Maple world- [4]
So I went there bought my meba, and instantly fell in love with ‘faster’ weapons. I also discovered another small bug of SMS. You know how normally, if you’ve attacked a monster and you’re standing on a platform above it, it’ll try to jump at you? It won’t do that if you’re right above their head. Doesn’t sound very useful? Think again. [5]
I stood on that block and held down L7, and I believe I got hit about twice in seven levels . And it wasn’t like 73rd floor Trixters either, it was actually fast. Just to give you a feel for the utter cheapness combined with 30xp: I level to 32, and open the stat window while spamming the L7 button. I add 5 points to LUK, open the skill window, and add 3 points to SB. Looking down at my EXP bar, I find that I’m already at 28%.
So with that pwnage, I managed to watch my sexy SB climb from 2 hits to 4 hits to 6 hits… all in the span of half an hour.
P.S. Suri and Oceanicca wanted me to link the thread on MapleTip, so here it is: link
It also has the instructions and stuff, go there instead of here if you get problems
I’m interested. How does SMS work? Is it a different program or something? It sounds interesting and I might play – because I want to experience higher levels and don’t have the time to play. Can anyone play SMS?
~Lily x33.
Iwantitiwantitiwantit D<
</Am freaking jealous of you>
Do a lot of people play SMS?
Uh what o.o accidental double post?
No need to be jealous. Google is your friend.
Judging by the previous comments in the MapleTip thread, it seems it was intended specifically for the MapleTip community. But seeing as how I was able to sign up and play without any troubles, I see no reason why you shouldn’t.
SMS doesn’t require a download besides MS itself. All you need is a desktop shortcut that directs to
“C:Program FilesNexonMapleStoryMapleStory.exe” 8484
(or wherever your MS.exe file is)
From what I understand, that basically starts up Maple, but instead of connecting to GMS server it connects to port 8484, which is SMS’s server. Then all the rest is server-sided stuff, so you don’t have to do anything else but click the shortcut
And to sign up an ID/password just go to
I shall try it after my exams
Thanks for the help ;D
Ooh. . . interesting.
It doesn’t work on my compy. . .
I tried everything
Did you try the “Run…” command?
Yes. . .
It’s just that I can’t start it right. . .
I put in the code and everything. . .
Knife was helping. . .
You signed up at link and have the shortcut’s target as (installation path)MapleStory.exe ?
Don’t forget the 8484. 8484 ***
It took me like 5 tries to get the thing to work. I also spent like 5 minutes rolling the dice, and then when I entered the game, I got offered a stat reset. @=@
So when you sign up at that site. . . is that the account you need to use to log in to SMS?
Zmg that means I have to download Maple again.
~Lily x33.
Yes, that’s the account.
And yeah, don’t roll the dice lol.
SMS is pissing me off. I was in the Ant Tunnel, and then there was a lot of lag so I logged off, and now I can’t get into my account. I keep getting the message “the id is already logged in” blah blah blah.
Thanks for posting this!
I’m quite surprised that it also works overseas
But it’s pretty laggy for me though, but it doesn’t matter.
Level 34 in 3 hours
Chea. I was about to get to level 34, but then I totally got kicked out of the server and I can’t log back in without that “ID is already logged in”. </3. Someone pl0x help?
Oh yeah. I got 400k at level 26 LOL
Yeah, thanks for the correction lol.
How do you get the program or what ever?
All you need to do is have MapleGlobal installed, and set up the shortcut on your desktop.
I’ve done exactly what was told but it still opens up as GMS. I’ve set the target path as “C:NexonMapleStoryMapleStory.exe” 8484″ but it won’t load as SMS. Can anyone give anymore tips on how to get it working?
I removed the quotation mark after 8484, i didn’t even notice it was there. Gameguard didn’t close properly so i’m gonna have to reboot my comp, so if anybody gives some helpful info i won’t get it for the next little bit.
Do I have to wait for my account thing to work?
Because I’m pretty sure I got everything, just that I can’t login with my accounts. (I tried both MS and SMS accounts. . .)
All I have to do is to change the target to C:NexonMapleStoryMapleStory.exe 8484 right?
Wait wait, do I need quotation marks? o_o
Gah, when it loads, it’s suppose to be the same as normal MS right?
Like. . .the Nexon thing, then the Wizet thing, then the login screen. Nothing was changed right?
. . .
What’s your ign?
-=The Nazgul=-
i thoughts for a min there i was missing some huge GMS events X___X
MikuniZer0 : Oh, go to first, and sign up. Then, go to Local Disk (C: ), and find the Nexon folder. Go to the Maple Story folder, and find “Maplestory.exe”. Send it to the desktop (as a shortcut). Then, left click on the icon you just sent to the desktop, and choose “Properties”. Change the target by adding 8484 to the end, so it looks like this: C:NexonMapleStoryMapleStory.exe 8484″.
Chea. That should help.
And no quotations at the end.
My IGN is Guosim =D
I can’t edit the Target path. . .
Only Start in. . .
Forget the shortcut, just use Run…
please, im a little thickheaded. can someone tell me exactly what to do so i dont mess it up? this looks really cool
Okay. You have a MapleStory shortcut on your desktop, right? Right-click-drag the shortcut to another place on your desktop and select “copy here”. Then right-click the shortcut, go to “Properties”, and add 8484 to the end after the second quotation mark. Then go to link and register an account. Click on the shortcut, log in using the info you entered, and there you go.
so now im on the brink of lost hope, lol. No new accounts that i make are working.
Did you put quotation marks around your code?
Put quotation marks around the path, not the IP/port.
And no, you should not see all the worlds. Only Scania, and it should only have 2 channels.
cood someone post a screenshot of the properties for the shortcut so i can make sure i get every detail. p.s thanks to everyone who is trying to help me.
The only thing that pissed me off was that I’d level too quickly and go past level 8 before even getting off Maple Island. Do you still get those SP points or should I restart? >_>
EDIT: Nevermind, had to restart.
SMS is awesome though. Seriously.
Go ahead and restart, it’s pretty easy.
Kill a green snail to level to 3
Kill a green snail to level to 4
Start Sam’s 10 snails quest
Kill 10 green snails, you should be level 6
Go to Mai and finish the quest and you’ll be level 8.
If you are a non-magician, talk to Maria and click the map reading one, which should level you to 9, and then when you’re in Vic, do Olaf’s quiz thing, you should be at 10.
Don’t touch anything else
Also start Olaf’s second quest, the Path of ___ one, and finish it AFTER advancing; you’ll level to 13-14. Not advised for mages since 1) you have to do the quiz, which might overlevel you, and 2) you lose out on some MP from having 0 MP Increase skill at the time you level.
my ign is EvilStranger
Mine is Yuffenia.
and where exactly are those quotations?
Here’s an example if your MS is installed in “D:/MapleGlobal/MapleStory.exe”
The shortcut’s target would be: D:/MapleGlobal/MapleStory.exe 8484
(err, since MMOT erases those slashes, replace the ones in example with the ones facing opposite
This is quite interesting. 😮
(By the way, thank you Ganzo! <3)
Edit: IGN- Mimmi
hey guys, im new here, but i was reading this blog about SMS and i followed all the instructions and yet it still logs me into GMS not SMS. The account i made on works but it doesnt log me into SMS. Ive changed teh properties of teh shortcut but still it doesnt work. Any Suggestions? thanks
You need to have the installation path of your MS client, space, the IP, space, port number.
So if your MS is installed in “D:/MapleGlobal/MapleStory.exe”
The shortcut’s target would be: D:/MapleGlobal/MapleStory.exe 8484
If it doesn’t work the first time, try again. Sometimes it doesn’t work until the 2nd or 3rd try.
“Reply to Ganzicus” – I changed the shortcuts target, and tried it 4 times and still no succes. im still only gettin 3 exp from green snails. Shood i try makin another account on or do i have to do anything with the “shortcut key”, or “Run:”?
Try making another account.
i still have no luck, ive made several different accounts, each of them saying it is not a registered ID. When i accessed my account that did work the exp is still the same. PLZ SOMEONE HELP ME! also, once i am logged in, shood i see all the worlds?
It would be nice if you could link to the thread on MapleTip instead of the website. D; We’d appreciate it.
sooooo laggy ive been 20 minutes on the login page till now,
“Wolfguy184 : WOOT FREELOADERS 4 LIFE!1”
If he was being serious, it’s people like that we wanted to avoid in the first place. =/
I may not be one of the donators, but many of my friends donated for the server assuming that it’d be for MT members only. Apparently not. Well, that’s fine, but we’d definitely prefer it if we could keep the server within rational people.
As Oceanicca said, it’d be nice if you could link to the thread on MapleTip instead.
if u guys wanna add me im Unholyfire, lonely firemage in need of friends =D
Ok something is wrong im lvl 30 and i cant become a fire mage because i cant click on the job instructor, any ideas?
And for some reason my acct is stuck in channel 2 right now and i cant log back on.
Lol, I was wondering if ‘people’ might stumble upon this
I’ll link it, no problem.
About the MapleTip-only thing, according to SimplyIntricate on the thread, the server is technically open to everyone as long as there’s no KSing, scamming, flaming, and such. Rest assured, MMOT’s community for the most part is literate and rationa. The others can vouch for me (right?
). That’s one of the things I do like about the SimpleMS people, even though I never mentioned it up there (I never actually met anyone at that point, except Muffin
Well it’s open to anyone that actually visits MT.
Hence why we prefer you posting the link to the thread.
Thanks for posting the link, btw.
I’m trying this out later. :3
I still don’t approve of private servers. Ruins the point of the game. The only reason you all think 1000 exp mushes are great is because the original ones give like what, 30?
Sure, private servers may be fun at first. But as anyone who’s “editted” hunterstory before knows, it gets boring really fast, and the original game never feels the same anymore.
I quit Maple Story a year ago, because I didn’t want to grind. I tried to go back, and decided I didn’t want to waste my life away on the game. SMS gives me a way to enjoy the feel of MS but not have to waste my life on getting the achievement I want.
Alright, I restarted my mage like six times and finally figured it out. If you are trying to get a mage with perfect stats or whatever (as in make the advance at level 8 instead of 9 or 10), you have to go to Victoria Island at level 1 and do Olaf’s quiz, which will get you to level 8 with 81.54%. You could get away with killing ONE green snail, but that’s it. Also, you could start another character first, get 1k for cab fare from Hene->Ellinia, then drop and make your mage so you can use the cab. I was going to but someone stole my money ;-; I recognized the dude’s name too, he was from MT.
But yah.
C:NexonMapleStoryMapleStory.exe 8484
Copy/paste into the run function.
god, i got it to work finally, but i cant delete characters! and how the heck do u get CS items! lol
oh and btw add me (UberKitty)
And uhh, you use the birthday code you put in when you created your account. o.o
No no, you can buy CS hair, eyes, cosmetic lens/haircolors with mesos, too.
if you guys have problems with money in the beginning, the best thing to do is just sell like 1 or 2 of the melons that you get. they sell for 1500 mesos. i sued those to pay for all my cabs
@mess1ah- I think you either get a Christmas Tree, a Christmas Cape, or the 50 Christmas melons.
@Potato- I think you just talk to the NPCs that you regularly talk to to get the hair/eye/lens/whatever.
Also, the Mark of Beta is droppable o_o (Has around 50 in my inventory. . .)
Just telling ya guys =P
Untradable and undroppable items are able to be traded and dropped in SMS.
Yeah, Saph. Just talk to them people at the salons and stuff.
But it gives you the “this item cannot be picked up” thing o_o