T3h Silly on Mardia

Well, I got my best friend irl to join me on Mardia, so that was pretty awesome. And I met up with a bunch of old friends from Scania there, too. It was great. I didn’t think they’d ever leave, but they soon saw the wisdom of leaving such a crowded place. And they still level up just as fast and frequently, so I don’t think there’s any regret of loss of high characters.

Plus we still have our Scanians to go on to take tours of the new places if we’re too low-levelled to do it in Mardia (note to self: Visit Zipangu and NLC and KFT).

Anyway, I poked LunarPanda over IM until he came on too, since I was having trouble multi-tasking last night. I was playing around Amoria, looking for the mythical Amoria Relaxer, that I could have swore I saw in the patch update the other day. I had finally given up and just taken to jumping maniacally on the stairs until I bounced backwards onto the limo. (the Cathedral steps)

Btw Silver, there is a MapleTV in Amoria. So you’re right about them being everywhere. XD

One of my old friends joined me, and so did LunarPanda. We had recreated our Scanian guild on Mardia. It’s painfully low-level, but soon it will return to its former glory! So I hath decree’d.

The resulting screenshots of are us being at our best, and majorly silly. XD


Last pic is the MapleTV, for Silver. XD Other pics are rather self-explanitory, except I should note (in case no one remembers/knows) about the Cheezy comment in the first one: just look for a blog of him mentioning Broohinny. XD

(As it is, my friend is still traumatised by that, Panda! LOL)

15 thoughts on “T3h Silly on Mardia”

  1. Teehee. >D

    I think I know what you’re talking about. Is Cinnamon in the pic? O:

  2. XD (pokes everyone)

    Cheezy: yup, think so. Haha. That was hilarious though. I just didn’t want my friend any more scared/weirded out than I knew she already was gonna be. XD

  3. Hehe, sure seems like it. MapleTV will dominate the Earth!

    Thanks. I was able to put the game settings on a higher quality, and since my comp didn’t explode, I figure it can handle them.

  4. Oh em gee.

    Maple TV makes me lag like hell. ><
    😮 Can I join your Mardian guild?

  5. Lol, I lag in MSEA and GMS, whenever I get close to a tv.

    Well, no, sorry . . . this guild was only formed for the original members in Scania. We aren’t accepting new people, or strangers (strangers to the rest of the guild members).

  6. Cast Shadow Partner, Booster, and Rage, then Savage Poke the Maple TV to death!

  7. Yeah, Ganzy! >D

    MapleTV made me DC like hell whenever I landed in a map with it, the first time it came to SEA. >>; You guys are lucky you didn’t get the beta version of it, lol.

  8. MapleTV?

    *GuyA sits infront of MapleTV*
    -12 hours later-
    GuyB passing by: Wow you’ve been here a long time, are you waiting for someone?
    GuyA: Uh no, it’s just that I’m waiting until the uh– programs at night time >.>
    GuyB: There is no “night-time” in MS.
    GuyA: Oh. *Logs off*

    Quack much?

  9. Lmao, Ganz! Then I’ll call upon my horde of trusty rats to chew the thing to bits. XD

    Silver: That happened to me when I first joined SEA, too. It still happens occasionally. And it happens now, in GMS. It’s something I’ve gotten used to. XD

    Fenny: I agree. I don’t think it’s prudent to use the tv for messages anyway, since it doesn’t last very long. I think mega/smega will always be the way to go (however annoying it is) haha.

    Quack: Lol. Well it plays the same things over and over . . .

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