
Finally after fighting with the patch for a day, Wizet finally put up a bittorrent link to it, so I was able to dl it super-fast. Before that, I kept trying the auto-patcher, which would give me an error around 10/11kb dled. This happened three times before Silver (thanks!) suggested I dl the manual patch.

Brilliant! So I skipped off to do just that. It stopped dling at 31%. So I re-dled, and left it overnight. I got up in the morning to find out it stopped at 31% again. Grrr. That was when I noticed they finally had the BT link up for this version. All went smoothly after that.

I logged in for a little preview of Singapore. I almost died when I realised it cost 20k to go, but then promptly cheered up when I ealised that I also had 85k. Pics now~!

Sitting on the plane with some people, waiting for it to take off.

This guy and I smiled at the exact same time. The other guy, well, you can see from the pic. Hehe.

Then he threw a newb hat on top of the plane. (rofl)

Then the other guy had to toss up a white bandanna. Imagine his surprise when he also found out that you can’t jump up out of the plane and get them back. Buahaha.

We’ve landed in, uhm, the airport! It’s so strange seeing something I’ve never seen before, knowing that it’s so mundane to everyone else. Haha.

That’s… supposed to be… a GIRL!? uh… kthxbai~! (runs)

I don’t want to be “squared”, thanks. At first I thought it was some geeky maths joke, but then I realised it was an actual typo. XD

This was the funniest npc I’ve ever seen. His statement just cracked me up, especially when he said in his speech bubble afterwards something like: “I think it’s because of too much homeworks!” Haha! Poor kid. I accepted his quest. It requires you to go from Singapore, to Henesys, where you collect a bunch of newb items (that everyone wants now, lol) then go to Sleepywood, then back to Singapore… yeah. I’m still on the newb-items-collecting part. But I want my Singapore flag!

Hey look, I can stand up here! I started getting a little bored and tried to find buildings that I could stand on top of. There were a lot but I didn’t take screens of all of them. Here’s another.

Talking with Ganzy and Fenny! Haha. I helped Ganzy by seeding the patch some more so he could dl it faster, and then he logged in. After awhile Fenny came on, and I didn’t recognise him since I hadn’t been on in ages.

Going “home” on the plane. This guy lagged quite a bit, til we landed haha. I’m not going back to Singapore til I make my 40k back! Also… if anyone knows how to do that clear rubbish quest, help? Please? I went to the next map where people were mass-killing something, but they all died too quickly before I could see what the monsters were. Plus I got out of there fast since it was crowded.

Upon my return and lonely walk to Henesys, I was stalk’d! Hehe.

This guy got pwnt! Haha. You never know where the GMs are… they may be watching YOU!

I was inspired, after watching the last of Haibane Renmei, to make a comic with MS sprites. It’s taking awhile for me to finish it, so I’ll make a blog about it when I do. XD

10 thoughts on “Singapore!”

  1. Lmao Ganzy. XD he went without a parachute! Ohnoes! D:

    Fenny: that sucks. What were you training on? Haha, my mum is the same way. She’ll be talking then all of a sudden “achu~ achuuu~ AAAA~CHUUUUU~” XD.

  2. (roffles!) She always seems to sneeze gracefully though, without snotting everywhere. My brother is a different story though, he just lets out one huge sneeze and it’s everywhere D:


    T__T I’m always missing these things out!

  4. Ugh, it’s too bad one can’t delete comments in one’s own blog. DX

    At least I have a plugin for Firefox that lets me select and remove anything I want; thus the page no longer stretches. . . unless I refresh it.

    (Prods Captain, wherever he is) Make this a feature!

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