That’s right. I’m going to hong kong next tuesday for 2 months. (time for 6 hours of shopping, and eating dinner at 2:30 am XDXD). Well, I’d like to thank everyone. It’s another year with Damon, the happiest brownie to bake on this earth . There are alot of people on maple, that’ve made me see through the pixelated animations, and look into their hearts. *fetches basin for everyone to barf in*
Anyways, I got to level 53, which means my Meditate can go FOR 1 MINUTE! ZOMGG THAT IS UB3R R0X0RZ NUBS! (everyone used to shout at me that my medi was so crap D. So I was just doing my prance of death that i leveled, and than MACAW, ALWAYS MACAW TELLS ME SHE GOT TO LVL 70! O: And I just started crying. I know, it’s stupid to cry over a game, or a pixelated character, but I can barely level once per month, while she levels a bazillion times. So you can all say your “GUD WORK MACAW, LET’S PROCREATE”, but i’ll be procrastinating in my “dungeon” trying to get an anti-leveling formulae.
Other things, such as my sister, jessc666, who begged my friend to charge her more nx. She was gonna do experimental, to try and get the “clamp-shell” long hair one (the one that “bobo” has). Anyway, Her first experimental hair, it wasn’t that great. She ended up with the one that annikabelle’s mule got, the one that stuck out the side and looked like a 12 year old on a bad hair day. (me and my friend saw one of those hairs once, and she whispered to me “pssst damon, let’s play tug-a-war with her hair XDXDXD". The other times, my sis got the MOST HORRIBLE OF HORRIBLE ONES. It looked like where the sun-dun-shine on a cow. ie, the butt. It was flat, and it was really horrible. She finally got one that was still ugly, but okay in the end.
And as I sit here in my solitude, listening to the major piano part of Pachelbel’s canon, I am thinking about things I am grateful for. I’m grateful for everyone that makes me smile, and do my strange laugh of “AH-HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE”. So an early MERRY CHRISTMAS, AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Ps. Shouts out there to King (zertex), bban, khazuya, ooplaytimeoo, itsmeexo, frogjuice, handofzeus, matty211 (my nx vending machine), littlenudie, and Macaw, my dahling greasy big mac XDXDXD
well cyaz for a long time
have fun in hk
and lol tug a war, that would be so fun
and merry christmas to you too
Merry christmas everyone
HONG KONG RULES <3 The shopping there is fab. Hope you have a great time :]]
Bring lots of money there.
Nothing beats the disappointment of not buying something you want because you didn’t bring enough money.
Hong Kong damon. Neat-o. Bring me back a giant panda plushie. Kthnx.
Hehe macaw, don’t forget, I levelled to 70 in almost half the time you took! I’m not arrogant, just letting Reve’s know you train slowly. Or that may cause despair. . .
~ No offense! XD
Tell me if you don’t like it and I’ll change the comment.
HK is awesome. have fun and beware of smokers in restaraunts -____-“