As most of you can see, I am in quite a pleasant mood today.
[non-relevant events which built up to me imploding so my carcass splattered all over my essay]:
1) I have two assignments, both I have not started.
2) Today, we wasted a whole lesson during french (we’re doing food this unit), and the teacher spends the whole lesson how the french have the best chocolate mousse. -_-
So anyways, I was a-walking home (I live 3 minutes away from school) t-boning any midgets that got in my way. I logged on Maple, and was on 70%. Oh great, I just remembered that I haven’t leveled in four fudgen months -_-, and I was seriously about to lose it. So then, I asked if anyone wanted to go gpq. So we were marching around like happy brownies, when I was wondering why my guildmates weren’t getting hit by the lasers. I just assumed that I was lagging, but then when I saw one of the dk’s attacking the monsters from everywhere, I figured that they were . My theories were backed up, when I saw two people god-mode through the dark muscle stones.
So I decided to just quit the guild after that gpq. We got up to the stage with food, and then those stupid emo monsters came and killed me. It was partly my fault, because I was prodding them with my wand, thinking they’d be incredibly weak and easy. I was wrong. I died twice, and from 70% for 4 months, went down to 62%. By then, I was really angry, and was asking the leader if he knew that his guild was . But the leader wasn’t there. He was flying accross my screen (he was a dk). By then, I was seriously COMPLETELY PlSSED. I have like, become suicidal, and my room’s become a mini goth-chateau.
So someone dced, I quit the guild and walked off. Near the camp site, there is a hacker on EVERY SINGLE CHANNEL. As usual, I passed it, and didn’t give much notice until I was thinking about his name. It seemed vaguely familiar, and then I saw his guild which happened to be one of my close friend’s guild. So of course, I was flaming my head of at him, and he was just f6ing me, as if to say “what the hell, so what?” To make matters even better, the DK from my previous guild came in, vacked all the monsters, then all, repetitavely. If someone had handed me something long and sharp, I would’ve used my yami powers and teleported to them, and stabbed them STABBITY STAB STAB! D:<
So in the end, I tried to find refuge in my buddy list, who consisted of an illiterate bandit with horrible hair, who was asking “can i borrow some money plz plz plz plz PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ” and “how big is your meat sausage”, another girl who’s completely slitting her wrist when something goes wrong, a boy character dk who is a girl, a gender-confused archer, and some random cleric who was high on coca-cola and constantly sniffing her hand. Marvellous. Just to remind me how normal my atmosphere was. =_=
ZOMGG, My screenies aren’t working. *SIGH*
Getting high from coke is good.
You have an interesting BL. XD
Yay. I’m interesting
*keeps smiling, and doesn’t want to think about whether that’s a good or bad thing*
Hey, it’s always a good thing when others find you or things around you interesting.
Unless it’s a maneating lion or something
XD Aren’t all lions maneating? O_O Anyways, going to sleep now, GNITES ALL ^^
(Hopes to have alot of comments and likeys by tomorrow)
Good night, 3 hours early.
For me, at least.
To the front !
Ooh .
[Edit, after Pirkiee’s post] Yeah . Ebil’s spoon <3
Having an interesting BL is FUN 8D
Then you can all be interesting people together .
Emo with a spoon.
Everytime I see ‘slit their wrist’ I think of the spoon. . .
Very interesting, still the same guy I once knew~!