Ossyria:Final wars pt 5

Time for Chapter Maplestory+Bleach mwuahahahahahha
ALl copyright of Bleach in this story belongs to bleach.

Chapter 5: The inner power, The Real adventure starts here!
The Dwb clone quickly used Dragon fury on the ground. Suddenly, a blue wave of light split through the floor of the cave and came straight towards me. “I have to block it!” The wave that looked like a blast of blue fire came crashing down on me. I quickly used iron wall and a huge silver wall rose up from the cave floors.

The wave collided with the wall giving me just enough time to jump out of the way as it split through. “Nice dodge little boy but that’s not enough to take me down”! My head filled with ideas on how to fight the clone but as soon as I found his weak point he disappeared.

“Where did he go I said to myself? He was there a second ago and now he was gone.
“Looking for him a deep voice called. In my confusion I quickly replied “Who’s there, who are you? Nothing. No one replied. “What was that”? “And where’s the old man”.

Suddenly I burst of light flashed in my eyes and when I opened them, I couldn’t believe
My eyes. I was in an opened space with billions of blue tiles on the floors and some floating about. The open space seemed to go on forever as if nothing would ever go wrong here. There wasn’t even any sound from any direction. It was just a quiet, opened space. “Where am I? “How did I get here?

“You are in your mind, inside of yourself a voice whispered. “Who’s there I demanded!
“From a distance I saw someone standing on a short black pole. “I am you, I am your powers:” I gave a confused look at the man. He seemed to be in his 50s with a scar across his eye, black hair, a black long robe and seemed to be holding some kind of black sword.

“You are ready to become a Dragon knight Jake”. A different voice told me. “Tylus? Is that you? Before I could say anymore a golden light shined brightly across my body. I absorbed the light and a Dragon that came out of nowhere struck me in the heart. “I can feel the power, I’m becoming a Dragon knight!

When the light faded something was very different. I was wearing some kind of large dark colored cloth that seemed to be filled with spirit force. My redemption has turned into a Blade with black handle with a sapphire colored sphere on the bottom, a guard that looked like two black curved fangs sticking out with two smaller ones right on top, a sapphire crest that looked liked some kind special badge with wings on each side, and a thick black blade that seemed to be filled with sapphire colored Aura.

There was also a strong Aura that glowed around the sword all the time. “You are not
A normal boy Jake”. “Your powers are way beyond abnormal and your regeneration is remarkable! “But, you must learn how to control that power………….

I got Leggo-my Eggo Chocolate and vanilla Waffles.
Bleach waffles forever!