What’s This Game Coming To?!

This game doesn’t get much better as it grows, It saddens me on an Internet Life level. Why you might say?
Lets start with…

1. The constant jerks everyone telling everyone to CC and Go away Get a Life etc, I remember when us maplers were like just thinking about having fun and training with our friends. Now it’s just CC,S-T-!-U Nub! I swear everywhere you go there is somone just telling you to go do something. I admit I do it sometimes but as they say, If somone pushes you, You wana Push back.

2.Hackers Everywhere, I posted some of this on basil forums. They used to take the worst maps ever, Now they are in our best maps, I can’t even train my bandit at bubblings anymore, wonder why? Oh look a hacker in the corner! Haha He’s so funny, Im gonna cc now! All hackers are doing is taking the term “CC” and transforming it so they don’t even have to say it anymore. I mean you can’t stop hackers, ever it happens in everygame. Im not sure if it’s to get power that they want. Or just rankings, Becuase in most games you see hackers ex. Xbox Live Halo2 there are rankings which lead to hackers. It might not be the rankings but I’m just not sure anymore about them. I used to think its the Power of thier levels, but rankings is more common attraction for somone who doesn’t have anything better to do then “Master” an unmasterable game.

3. Adding on to the CC Thesis (or whatever) I said up there. Everytime I change channel where ever I may be in a popular training spot, I see people calling each other stupid noobs and bringing thier mains like its a “big deal”. OH NO! Somone cares enough about a game that they waste enough time on you instead of moving on and keep trying to train. It might just be my world (Scania) this mostly happens since it’s most populated. But more people are playing and Bera is getting up there with Scania in Population.

Anyway.. I guess this is like my introduction rant, so you people know how I write and my points of views and such. I never actually write much unless Im really into something and Im growing attached to this site. I just hope I can contribute to it as most of you do.


2 thoughts on “What’s This Game Coming To?!”

  1. *sigh*

    such hackers make me cry.

    they don’t follow the rules of hacking! NO PUBLIC SPOTS!

    report the stupid ones!

  2. i hate those dum ppl who train in popular places and say to cc.
    if its popular no duh other ppl will be there.
    that’s why it is a “popular” spot.
    get some brains u noobbsss!
    hat is all o.o

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