Ossyria:Final Wars pt 1

Orbis:Ossyria Chapter 1:A Protector is Born

“Tomorrow is my birthday daddy !”Tomorrow I can get my Job Advancement”!
I will never forget those words for the rest of my life. It was a sunny June morning in Orbis, the central town of Ossyria.

“Daddy tomorrow is my birthday and I get to get my 1st job advancement! It was the day before my birthday and I couldn’t wait for tomorrow because id turn 10 years old and be old enough to qualify as a 1st job student to serve as a protector to the land of Ossyria.

“Son, remember, there are four different jobs to chose from”, the archer, mage, swordsman, and the thief.” Remember you can only choose one path”. I had a hard time deciding which path I should chose because my mom became a mage and my dad was a thief. Swordsmen are strong and brave, archers are fast and powerful, the thief is cunning and keen, and the mages are intelligent and courageous.

The next morning I woke up and celebrated my birthday and ate my favorite chocolate ice cream cake. My dad asked me if I decided on what job to chose. I nodded and said eagerly “Yup, I’m going to become a swordsman so I can be a spearman, a dragon knight, and then a dark knight one day”. He chuckled a bit and glared at my mom like he knew what I was going to say.

“Well son, today’s the day, I’ll buy you a ticket to get on the Airship. ”Oh dear I just can’t stand thinking of living without you for so long”, take care Jake my mother added.

I felt all high and mighty as I left home with my backpack until I tripped and landed on my face.” At that point I felt stupid and embarrassed. But I just got back up and headed for Orbis station. I waved goodbye to my parents and headed for the ticketing booth.

“One ticket to Ellinia please ma’am” I asked the ticketing lady at the counter.” ‘Here you go sir, good luck on your trip”. As soon as I got the ticket I said my final goodbyes to Orbis.

I spotted my friend April going to her cabin room 14. I had cabin room 15 so I’d be right next to her. Both of us were going to start our journeys at Victoria Island. Before I knew it, it was night time already so I thought I’d give April a visit. But then I heard a shout from the speakers on the Airship. ”Balrog raid! Balrog raid! Prepare for battle!

Lol i was forced to write this.My friends at school made me write a cool maple story adventure tale for them!I was Forced!SO if you dont like all complaints go to Yo momma.

Bleach:For the awesome battling and power.
Godzilla:For being so cool in Final wars,which gave me the plot.
Southpark:For having the WoW episode which inspired me to make this an adventure.

7 thoughts on “Ossyria:Final Wars pt 1”

  1. Mm yeh, what Repty said. But i love the bit where you go “, and I ate my favourite chocolate cake!” To me, just seemed so random

  2. ummm, if you have to be ten years old for the job adv. , taht means 30 for second, 70 for third, and 150 for fourth. and 310 for fifth.

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