Random Blog (2)

From now on, I shall name all blogs with no specific topic in mind with Random Blog (x). Its much easier than coming up with some orginal, creative title.

I was surfing the Henesys Hunting Ground 1 channels with my friend because we were both bored and all (this happens quite a lot of times). During this, I came to a great realization: half of the HHG1 population are 3rd job people in newb disguise. Everyday, there was either a dragon knight roaring away, a priest spamming shining ray or some hermit using avenger to ks newbies. Thus, if you are a lvl 1x newbie looking for spots to train, don’t ever go to HHG1.

I finally quitted my guild, after spending a few days pondering over this issue. First of all, most of my guild members were never online. Secondly, no one ever talks in the guild. The only reason I stayed was because I was quite close with the guild leader, but now that even the guild leader is staying away from Maple Story, I couldn’t take it anymore. So a few clicks, and I am currently guildless.

Hopefully, I will have enough funds to start a guild of my own soon.

What makes me even more depressed is that my friend decided to quit Maple Story. He wasted 3 million mesos, 2 cromis, 2 70%s, 4 60%s, and 1 30% wand scrolls trying to make a good cromi (the 2 cromis self destructed). The severe disappointment caused him to stop playing his cleric, which is a rather sad thing to happen.

Well, I don’t really have anything else to say, so I’d end my blog here.

~Coffee for lief~

6 thoughts on “Random Blog (2)”

  1. The hair in the first pic is. . . . . . . I mean. The hair in the first pic makes people say nothing than : OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG

  2. I noticed that too, ione time i summoned all my trojan ags in HHG1 and this Hermit avenger’ed them to death, though i did kill 4 newbs =D

    The hermit was wearing all level 10 equips and a CS visor

  3. Quote from randomguy: The only reason I stayed was because I was quite close with the guild leader, but now that even the guild leader is staying away from Maple Story.

    Me too, but i don’t know what to do, ='(

  4. Hi EvilStranger ^^. I still have been hanging around MMO Tales, but its just that I post blogs at the most unusual of times.

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