

I basically turned my experience, into a story <(‘.’&lt.

After some time of work, I became stronger and was ready to~ duel.
My target was Morroc.
Announcing my duel request, a sniper accepted the challenge.

[h] [Zakano has accepted the duel][/h]

The climax began. A wave of applause surged through the watching crowd.
They observed our fight.
The formidable sniper aimed his bow at me. He shot streams of poison arrows.
The arrows penetrated through my Odin’s blessing, injecting poison in my arteries.
In retaliation, I casted Soul Breaker several times, which seemed to rip his spirit and strength.
And so. . . The fight continued until final blows. Zakano took his last shot and so did I.
And in result. . .

We both died ._.
First picture

Audience: Your story SUCKS!
Quang: Ok fine fine. I’ll just return to the easier way, without getting things too dramatic.

Anyways, on another day, I decided to duel someone else again. However, this time was different. The person didn’t bother to kill me, he hired his assassins~ The ninjas. . .
He and a girl tried assassinating me, but they all failed: P
Second picture
Ganzicus commented: “. . .Ninjafied?”

On another day, on a visit to Glast Heim, I had to get 100 soft feathers, which meant killing 100 Owl Dukes or Owl Barons. . Much drudgery was faced and well. .
I guess it worth it. .
Third and forth picture

(The last picture is just a picture taken during my first vending attempt)

So yeah. . . Another day, another experience. . .


8 thoughts on “RagnaStory”

  1. *Ouch*

    The pictures are confusing .


    *Struggles to make some sense out of them*

  2. To help you. .

    1st pic: Me lying dead (the purple guy)
    2nd pic: A automatic announcement that appears when someone attempts to assassinate another. A bit like a Mega Microphone in MS
    3rd pic: Me lying dead (once again) The owl baron and owl dukes are on the bottom right, sneering, smirking at me D: (jk)
    4th pic: Guild mates attempted to come to revive me. They all failed ._. (They are the one’s lying down to >.&gt
    5th pic: Me yelling weird stuff to attract attention to costumers in a market place like FM

    Go Quangie
    How are you doing in your RRO’ing?

    [EDIT] I rly liked your SS’es, they were HILARIOUS



    quang13 said: “Audience: Your story SUCKS!
    Quang: Ok fine fine. I’ll just return to the easier way, without getting things too dramatic.”


  4. Lol, nice work on ya stuff
    And btw, don’t hunt soft feathers, it will take you a long time
    People usually buy em for HEAPS cause of the rarity (even on high rate servers it is still like 500k each)

  5. @ShiningWings: Thanx alot for your comment d(^^d)
    @TuxedoHobo: K. I bought 60 of those and got the rest

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