The Fugly Quackling [Comic]

This is my latest comic created after a looong time.
It’s based on a fairy tale “the ugly duckling”, but altered into MMO style!
I don’t mean to offend anyone hehehe

Note: I’m planning to make more comics, however, I need some characters from MMOTales so don’t hesitate to ask!
Give me your maple look/avatar/ etcetc

[I’ll try to make these comics until the 15th of August- when my school opens]

The Fugly Quackling


(>^^)> A Happy Kirby Production <(^^< )

11 thoughts on “The Fugly Quackling [Comic]”

  1. *F5* PICK ME PICK ME!

    Because we’re friends right? RIGHT? *blackmails*

    Oh, waitaminute, your school opens on the 15th? That’s. . .7 days before mine o.o


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