Quack’s back

It’s been awful long time since my last blog… What can I say? *Blames schoolwork and laziness*
Anyways, after getting some new songs for my iPod, I had an sudden urge to come back to MS.
My classmate told me about windows movie maker (that I never even noticed) and explained how to use it, which inspired me to make a MMV D:
I therefore, decided to make a music video for YouTube, by combining songs and series of screenshots.
Although it took quite some time, It turned out pretty nicely done I guess
Yet I’ll continue playing RO, I will be more active on MS.

Anyways! To the MMO part!
This I achieved in RO:
-Leveled my Assassin Cross to level 255 (max level)
-Donated stuff equivalent to 100k NX cash (Yeah I’m a naughty boy )
-Got most of my 9 characters above rebirth levels 100+

Future aims:
-Make more MMVs
-Be little more active on MS
– Dunno. . Steal cookies and stalk people?

QMV- The Carpal Tunnel of Love

21 thoughts on “Quack’s back”

  1. AwSnapeLz said: “You F3. . .a lot.
    ’nuff said”

    F3 pwns and it’s the “be cool” attitude

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