The Maple Story: Episode 8

Here is the 8th installment to The Maple Story. I hope you enjoy it!

As the first day concluded I went back to my room. On my bed I found a letter from the principal. It went like this:

Dear Kevin,

I heard about the fight you had with one of your fellow classmate Daniel. I don’t care who started it but what I do care about is the fact that you didn’t stop it. I am worried about your further behaviour at this academy. We have a respectful reputation and we do not wish to tarnish it with some foul play during dinner time. If this happens again you are to be expelled. There will be a letter like this sent to Daniel too. I hope you will think before you act next time.

Principal Josh

I quickly read through it and threw it away. I was working on my homework when Eric walked in. We worked on it together to make it faster. Afterwards, I brushed my teeth, changed, then hopped into bed. I quickly drifted into a nice long sleep.

The next morning I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I got up and showered. I brushed my teeth and got my books ready for the day. After a while Eric woke up and we went to breakfast together. We sat with Amy and her friends again. While enjoying our breakfast, Daniel walked behind us. He seemed he was favoring his right side. I couldn’t blame him; after all I did stab him on his left side. I ignored him and went back to talking with my new friends.

During Maple History, we had a new seating chart, this time Daniel and I were on separate ends of the classroom. I was so happy. Amy still sat next to me which made me even happier. Once again we talked during the whole class and didn’t learn anything.

As the day wore on I finally got the hang of this academy. I remembered what classes I had and what rooms they were in. I also finished all the homework on time which was something I did not expect. During my free period I saw some higher leveled people showing off their skills.

After that I went to dinner with Eric. I heard Amy and her friends talking at the table. They were talking about the thing girls liked to talk about the most… Boys.

“Kevin is really cute.” Amy said admiringly.

“Yeah you should totally go out with him.” Katie told her.

“Oh stop it girls, I’ve only known him for 2 days. Just because I think he’s cute doesn’t mean I am going to go out with him.” Amy told them.

“Eric is pretty cool too. Melissa he seems like your type.” Claire said.

“I hate that Daniel kid. The way he just came up and punched Kevin.” Amy said with disgust.

“Awww how cute, you even stand up for him.” Katie said with satisfaction.

I had heard enough and Eric and I went to their table.

“Oh hey Kevin and Eric.” They all said as they blushed.

“I don’t think they heard us.” Amy whispered to her friends.

After dinner we all went back to our dorms. I told Eric the little snipits of the conversation I had heard.

“Yeah Melissa is pretty awesome. But it’s way to early to tell anything.” Eric said.

I did my homework and brushed me teeth. I changed then hopped into bed.

I can’t believe Amy thought I was cute. She’s cute but I never thought she would like me back…

There it is. I hope you enjoyed it. Be sure to click the ‘I enjoyed this blog’ button!

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