The Day In Review

So… I got on, for the first time in… 1.5 weeks? I decided to hunt Cakes for Presents/Maple Items. Boy did that go well.

First off, I would like to say that, Cakes are my life. Not only do they taste good, but they sure helped me a lot.

So here I was, trying to defend the map I was originally in from an incoming party of two Assassins and one Bandit. I, alone, was owning them. However, one of the Assassins killed a Cake and it dropped Maple Wagner. I, upon instinct, rushed towards it. Then I just stood on top of it. Being the idiot he is, he just left (o_O). I looted it, the first Maple Weapon I found in 2007. Too bad it was 56 attack (2 below). I ended up giving it to my friend, SavageKirby.

Interesting story about the next Maple Weapon. Right as a hacker came in, she vacced the monsters and started killing them. I picked off one right before it was vacced, and it dropped a Maple Scorpio right under her nose. It had amazing stats too.

No interesting story about the next weapon. Just killing regularly, and a Maple Impaler dropped. Decent stats, basically average (below by one Accuracy).

I also levelled… for the first time in what… over a month? I’m sorry, I just checked the screenshot tests, I got level 80 on March, 11th. Here I am on May, 6th finally getting level 81. Good times in between though. Such as, finally getting a 10% Glove Attack on the Werewolf Toenail Exchange Quest. And finally getting a scroll from any Mushmom (in this case Zombified), too bad it was 1h BW.

Oh, I almost forgot. Presents! The first one, I was talking with my friend and it went like this:

Him: How’s the presents going?
Me: Fine, haven’t found any though. Didn’t spend THAT much time though.
*Present Drops*

The next 3, no interesting story. Except I got cakes on all 4… Then I got a 5th one, regularly. Now this was amazing, my friend just finished talking about getting 3 presents in 10 minutes. Boom, present dropped. 5 seconds later, again. This ended up in me getting 5 presents in ~15 minutes. I know, miraculous. But… Cakes on all 6 >.> Although I turned in 10 presents, no bandana…

My friend then started complaining about how I was too lucky and he was so unlucky. I think we decided on the verdict that I’m luckier in events, he’s luckier outside of events.

He decided to come hunt presents when I was there, to see whether his unluckiness or my luckiness would overpower which one. Luckily, it was the latter. He got 3 presents in ~20 minutes. During this span, I also levelled (as mentioned earlier). Although since it has been the first time in forever, I decided to do it in style. And boy did I achieve that… Thanks goes to Kevin, or SavageKirby, for helping me achieve this feat.

I decided to help him hunt Mysterious Powders for that darn Protect Ludibrium Quest. Why does Ludi need protection? It seems fine to me… even if no one kills Palpatus. I got him 20 powders at DGP before I had to go.

Now it’s time for… Screenies!!!

Screenie 1: Maple Wagner
Screenie 2: Maple Scorpio
Screenie 3: Maple Impaler
Screenie 4: Levelling… In Style! (Thanks again Kev.)

6 thoughts on “The Day In Review”

  1. Yah, you are lucky. I have not found A THING during this whole event…

    Maybe I’d find something if I actually started looking. =/


  2. lol i havent found anything either
    that sucks that I got less time to play when maple weapons come out
    and its going to be like this every year
    nice blog!
    ~LaZzz. . .(I’m too lazy for my shirt, too lazy for my pants, I’m too sexxy!)(oops mixed the lyrics)

  3. Lol, you are pretty lucky getting like that many presents in only that little time span =P but I guess I’m luckier because I got 2 white bandanas =] and the rest were cakes ._. Though I did find a Maple Sword from a Jr. Effy from ZPQ2 >.> Which was kind of ironic because I didn’t exactly want to do the jump quest xP I went with my friend lol. Oh well, I got her 10 Dead Mine Scrolls so it’s all good =] =squishes cakes= Ew. . frosting =[

  4. ‘Eh, if it was below average I’d be glad to. Since there are almost no spearmen/women in my guild.

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