Oh Yeah!

So I was really bored the other day and I decided to track my guildmates. I followed them around, trained with some a bit, and eventually got bored a bit later. Then I decided to go look for some deals in FM. I walked around for maybe 10 minutes and then I saw something extraordinary. Three DRs for just 1.1m. So you think it’s above average right? WRONG!

Two of them were 91 M. Atk and another was avg (90 M. Atk). Using the rest of my money, I decided to buy some scrolls. I won’t disclose the scrolling results until I finished scrolling them all. That might take a while considering I’m completely broke now that I scrolled one already.

Woot! I hope the scrolling of the other two goes well.

3 thoughts on “Oh Yeah!”

  1. I was so happy yesterday when someone sold me a sky-blue chair for 10k while it was selling for 150k >:3

    I’m poor on my perma beginner so I didn’t bother to correct him >_>;

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