Gosh… I’ve hurt my ankle today.
I was really, really determined to use that gym membership too, lol.
I woke up and I’d like… fallen asleep with my arm behind my back and the other one wrapped around my pillow and my my leg was being attacked by my other leg and I’d accidentally managed to get my headphones wrapped around my neck. Then I got out of bed and stood up and my ankle just went, “Hey, I’m tired. I’m not going to work today.” Haha. Walked about too much yesterday ;[ I think that was it.
Sort of, maybe, getting the hang of merchanting again. Still hopeless with prices, but I think I can make a slight profit.
Got an apple from APQ too! Woo! :D Still not that fun, though. Too many NX whores… >_>
I’m really looking forward to levelling up my bandit. I really do enjoy CPQ, it’s so fun with friends. Especially with trade wins. Because near the end you can just summon a whole bunch of crap and no-one gets too pissed off, heh.
I’d also really like to play JMS again, too. I just feel a little… worried, using the proxies and whatnot. Last year when Nexon accidentally banned Europe for a day, I was still able to get on GMS with VPN, but people said it was bannable, and it freaked me out a little xD.
Don’t want to get banned on JMS, even though my character is really low-levelled, haha. But plenty of other people use VPN for JMS… it’s just so laggy, apparently. Which I can believe, because VPN was laggy that time I had to use it on GMS. And I’ve been incredibly laggy ever since then…
Buuuuuuuuut anyway :D I was just ranting to make this longer, haha. Someone suggested I write a longer blog, for once. So this is the consequence.
Almost level 90 on Yovee! Almost 50% at level 89. My friend trained me at gobies yesterday (15x Marksman), and wow, it was amazing. 1HKOing six gobies at once is… badass. Completely. Inspired me to try and level my Level 23 xbow in Bellocan. But Bellocan just doesn’t have the same feel as Windia :[
I wish my IRL friends still playeeeeed.
And so, today’s screenshots…
The first, is a warning. This guy is a scammer. I followed him to the hospital anyway to warn people, but it seems I was too late and some people already fell victim to the drop game scam. Can’t even remember how it works, but y’know, it was pretty obvious that he was trying to get items. It’s a shame people like him aren’t banned. And the second screenshot was at super-special-awesome gobies with my xbow friend.
Lol, I got scammed several times on GMS. However, that was like years ago
Beta MS FTW! Wizet didn’t put the gay 13-year-old minimum crap, so that’s probably why I got scammed. Oh well! I learned from my mistakes. I’ve never been scammed since! I’ve never been hacked, actually.
Great, this was a pretty decent blog about quite an average day on MapleStory. =]
EDIT: Oh yeah, you get your earphones stuck around your neck when you wake up? XD Me too. =P
Every time I go to bed, I usually leave the iPod on a playlist, in the end, I end up falling asleep. . . next day, seems like someone tried to strangle me. ._.
My parents used to always confiscate my iPod right before bedtime, because they don’t want me to listen to it, then fall asleep and strangle myself
Well, y’know, you don’t really strangle yourself, you just feel that you’re out of breath when you wake up. o_o
I know, but my parents are always so paranoid about strange things. o_O;;
Well, my mom too. She checks the stove at least 6 times before heading out of the house to GET THE MAIL.
When we go out to eat dinner or to a friend’s house or w/e, my parents always ask each other and us (the kids) if they locked the door, turned off the stove, and closed the garage door
LOL, mine too. ._. I’m always like, YOU’RE TOO PARANOID.
Mom: No I’m not. -checks stove for the umpteenth time-
Is this turning into a parent-bizarrity(sp?! XD) contest or what? XD
Eh. . . I’m bored. Sue me.
By the way, I AM pwning MMOTales if anyone realized it. =P
Lol. . .I doubt my mom cares if I die when she goes out
I have such loving parents </3
That’s horrible!
Tell them to start loving~~ and caring~~
I have such loving parents </3″
Hah! That’s kinda like my mum, she pretty much totally ignores me whenever I try to get her attention or anything lol ><;;
I have such loving parents </3″
Hah! That’s kinda like my mum, she pretty much totally ignores me whenever I try to get her attention or anything lol ><;;”
Bang a pot in front of her face and say:
That’ll get her attention. It may not be the best way, but trust me, it will get her attention.
Oh yeah sure
I’m already “officially” grounded. That means no Wii, or computer
If I do that she’ll kill me for sure ><;;