What’s up MMOTales again? I’m sitll trying to get used to trying to blog frequently on this. Man alot has changed.
I forgot where, but I read a blog or something that said our only moderator is gone? Is this true. If yes then OMG that sucks although I see almost no spammers compared to before which is odd since we shouldn’t be having any moderators unless Captain assigned a new one(s) or he is going on more.
WOW. This surprised me the most. Where the hell did all the bloggers go? Your blog would be pushed off the page usually within a few hours, but now you have to wait a few days.
Aw…. Banner is still non-changing. I remember when Captain used to change it like once a month. Lol it was fun.
Enough of MMOTales, let’s move onto gaming.
Soldier Front
OMG I’m so happy. I’m starting to get pretty good. I’m awsome with a spray and pretty good wiht a sniper. nad my pistol is pwnge. All that clicking, tyring to get into PQs in Maple Story is now helping me to spray with a pistol. I once got a double kill/head shot with it. Lol. Since I have such great pistol skills I rush at people after I hit them once with a sniper and finish them off with my Beretta. And I’m pretty good at jump shooting with a spray.
So many people play with POV these days. Hey i’m not complaining, although it is making me worse.
My friend said this game pwns, but I’m not sure about it. Does anyone have any info/reviews on it?
For those of you who do not know this game, it is a Korean Game also by Nexon. It’s pretty fun.
Anyway I started to play again. It helps me kill an hour or two when I need to go somewhere.
Anyway that’s sort of all for this blog.
Oh yeah by the way. Here is a little prologue for a story I’m working on. Enjoy.
If you asked anyone the streets who they hated their immediate response would be: Lijt, the rebellion group going against the Victorian kingdom and their great ruler, King Cyrus. But if you were to lead them into a secret meeting hall that was twenty feet under solid earth and ask them the same question their answer would be: King Cyrus. Ever since King Cyrus took the throne from his deceased brother, the late King Warfen the third, it was dangerous to speak against his majesty. He ruled with an iron fist comprised of almost every skilled thief, magician, warrior, or bowmen. His laws were harsh and unfair. A few brave people tried to rebel at first, but they all were involved in mysterious accidents. But after a while a group of people were able to create an organization comprised of rebels. Thus Lijt was born.
These days only about one out of one-hundred people had the ability to use Mana. Every three out of five people who were born with Mana were recruited for the Victorian army. Half of the rest of people who were born with Mana were killed for refusing to join the Victorian army. Half of the other halve of the people hid their abilities to resume their normal lives. Finally the rest of the people, a mere one out of ten people born with the ability to use Mana, joined Lijt. They believed in Lijts goal to overthrow Cyrus or they just wanted revenge. Either way they were in.
Down in that secret meeting hall under ground people were talking trash of kingdom and its king and praised Lijt. Thousands of feet above them, somewhere in mid-air a young man was standing in the middle of a hall with a group of people sitting down in front of him.
It’s really short. Well I’ll post any further developments like titles and such.
Indeed, we seem to have “lost” many of our bloggers.
You guys are obsessed about that word . . .
OMG OBLIVION! I thought you were lost to us

Welcome back
You guys have lost it.
opmg i just had to do that! ^^
Grats with your SF skills! Personally I just prefer a decent shot in the torsoy (torse? toresey? Torsoey?)area and if they’re still alive then they must be using dark magic or something because how can I miss? It’s impossible for someone like MEto miss a shot so they must be wallhackers or even aimbotters for killing me during that HUGE period of time a FR takes to pump in another shot! (Average mindset of a sniper right there, ) but it’s nice for you to be back! Holy crap, ganzicus and aznricefan are still on Mmotales? Woah, Nice prologue too! Reminds me a little bit of eragon though plotwise.
I loved the prologue, although i hope it doesn’t get lost in production like all these other stories that seem to start and mysteriously disappear.
Y halo thar.
I think the word is ‘torso’.
And, I like the beginning of that little bit of story.
*wanders off and gets lost*
I tried out WarRock, and I was lost while playing it.
The aiming isn’t very good; you get like a super tiny little dot to aim at your opponents, and there are always hackers.
Welcome back
Lol thanks=P
Sometimes I do shots to the torso, too, but then they have like 50 hp and they kill meT_T. Lol I use PSG intead of FR. I dun like the reload thing for FR after every shot. Lol I guess its sort of like Eragon.
Lol I’m trying not to quit it this time.
The aiming isn’t very good; you get like a super tiny little dot to aim at your opponents, and there are always hackers”
Seriously? That sucks. I was thinking of trying it out, but I guess I’ll stick to Soldier Front.
Agreed, warrock is wayyy too laggy to play efficently, if you think ijji servers suck, then you’re in for a wild ride. Not to mention that the black crap puffing up wherever you shoot(even if you don’t hit anyone) is irritating as hell.
I know how to work like a mod. Don’t know if it gives me the same powers though.
Want to see me delete this blog?
Actually, i need an unrelaetd bog for that.
it’ll be deleted by tomorow.