How to make Money.

Bill Gates said: ” You make money by getting money. It’s that simple “

Thank you Bill for your very true(not to mention obvious) comment. But how do we get the money.
Through my Maple Experience I have made a small guide to making money on MapleStory. There are numerous tips I have come up with to help you become that Maple Millionaire you want to be.

Tip #1: Use your storage.

In your storage space there is a spot for your money. What do you suppose that space is for?

Captain Obvious said: ” I think it’s for storing your mesos. “

Thank you Captain Obviouc. Just as Captain Obvious said it’s for storing your money. So use it! Wizet didn’t make it for fun.
SOme people may think the main purpose of it is for transfering money. Well they are right but it can be used for storing money, too. This is how I do it. Every time I make 1million mesos I always put away the 1 million mesos into the storage. I never even touch the money unless I really need to buy something that is outrageously cheap.
I do NOT uggest you put away 1 million mesos every time you make 1 million mesos if you don’t already have at LEAST 5 million mesos. You can just start small at every 100k or even every 10k or if you’re really poor 1k would be fine. But the important thing is to save up your mesos and not touch them. Just let it build. I used this on my sin and found it to work when one day I decided to check my storage and saw 2 million mesos saved.
But this not mean you never spend your money. Reach for a goal then when you reach it have a spending day and then continue to build up again.

Tip #2: Monsters

Alot of people say the best way to make money is to get alot of items. But how do you get the items? Monsters of course! Just find a monster that you can kill easily. Try to find one with either good money drops or good equip drops. But it must be something you can kill easily. So don’t kill MM all the time just to find Ilbis. If you find something you can kill in 1-4 hits(unless you have attacks that can mob then 1-9 attacks is fine) then train there! Even if it doesn’t have good money/equip drops if you can kill it easily it will drop more and more so you’ll still be making money.
Also don’t train at monsters that cost too much pot usage. This will be cruel irony when you find out it cost you mroe to kill the monsters then the stuff you found from them.

Tip #3: Items

Items are probably be the BEST way to make quick cash. But finding them is a pain but so is selling them. Just train at monsters with good drops. But like I said before becareful of some monsters that are hard to kill. As for selling them I reccomend It is the best way to sell items easily(unless you have shops in Maple Story).
When using basilmarket never EVER NEVER be impatient. Patience is probably your best friend when it comes to basilmarket. If you are trying to sell something and you seee someone buying it. But they buy it for let’s say 8mil when your item is worth 10mil. 8mil is quite a bit of mesos but so if 10mil. Just resit your temptation and continue to find another buyer. You might not find any. You can put up an auction or just wait until one comes along.
Another thing, item scamming is NOT reccomended. I’m not sure what you guys call it but I call item scaming when you buy something for cheap and sell it for more. This is really risky and also could get you a couple defames. Never do this unless you see an absurd thing like Ilbis for 10mil. Just buy the things you need.

Tip #4: Drop games.

This is one of my most least favorite methods of getting richer. It’s riskier then item scamming. But if you have good reflexes( or have autoloot) or if you just like drop games then I will tell you the scret of how to win drop games. First of all don’t go around Kerning Channel 1 spamming “ANY1 WANNA PLAY DROP GAME???@@!!!”. You migth get called a scammer and plus this annoys the heck out of me. Just go on wiht your Maple Life and eventually you’ll come across a drop game. Or you can just go to Suana where its usually drop game 24/7.
NEVER ask if you can join a drop game. This prevents them from saying stuff like “HEY YOU PICKED THAT UP! NOW YOU HAVE TO DROP SOMETHING RARE!” You can easily block this with a little “Hey I never joined. I just happend to pick up when you dropped. I never agreed to drop anything. You just dropoed on your own free will.” They can’t alert you for scamming or they’ll be banned for false reports because you ddin’t do anything wrong.
Also a good thing if you’ve already joined a drop game is to drop mesos. Just repeatedly drop 10 mesos. One time I was in a drop game and they guys kept telling me to drop something good. SO I started to drop 10 mesos repeatedly until I had lost 1k. Then the guys just start dropping again as if I had dropped soemthing rare, too. Peopole usually get confused by all the coins you drop and think you’ve dropped like 500k or something. This is any easy way to get out of dropping something good.
For drop games teleport or haste is reccomened.
One IMPORTANT thing for drop games is never play with anyone that asks you to play with them or is naked. They might be a hacker who ahs vac or autoloot.

Tip #5: Karma
This is probably un-reliable but it has worked for me before. I was on the Orbis ship when someone asked for 1k. So I gave them 1k and they were all happy. Then out of nowhere this Crusador started to drop all these rare items. I picked them all up and made around 4mil. So it could work for you so try to be nice.

Well that’s all I can think of. Hope this helps you. And thank you Bill and Captain for coming today.

Bill Gates said: ” No problem. I needed a break from counting my money. “

Captain Obvious said: ” Hey! You’re the guy that wrote this blog! “

[quote Oblivion] O.O Thank you Captain Obvious-.- [/quote]


Quote of the day:

Juliet J. said: ” Ya! Choo yung he! (Hey! SHut up!) “

P.S. I don’t hate Bill Gates but he just seemed like an easy target. Hehe. And Captain Obvious is whta my frend calls me when I point out the obvious. lol.

11 thoughts on “How to make Money.”

  1. Awesome! This is good, I like that karma thing.

    Add quests and their rewards. That’s how I made big money.

  2. FirstKnight said: “Awesome! This is good, I like that karma thing.

    Add quests and their rewards. That’s how I made big money.”

    ahh ur so right but my hand is about to die from all the writing I had to do for hw.

  3. I do hope you know drop game is illegal and a bannable offense. The rest of the methods are good though

  4. Bill Gates but he just seemed like an easy target

    he’s a very respectable man and a good person btw

  5. hey yo sins r not poor! im a sin without funding, and lvl 40, and when i started ludi pq my money boomed up like crazy, so just deal with poorness until ludi pq wen u get rich,

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