It happened…..

It happened. . . . . . . .
It just did- noone expected it . . . . . . . . .
People gaped, they awed. . . . . . . . . . .
They just couldn’t believe their eyes. . . . . . . . .
It was amazing . . . . . . .
Shocking . . . . . . . .
Like many events before it, people just couldn’t believe it . . . . . . .

Channel One was empty.

It was a strange phenomenon.

Everyone gaped.

Everyone stared.

Someone dropped his cookie.

Theres was silence (besides the munching of a cookie heard in the distance).

It couldn’t be true.

It couldn’t.

At this same time, other things happened.

Slime tree was never this full.

Clerics and priests were working full time to combat an epidemic of sugar induced comas and tooth pains.

Demand for candy was at an all time high.

But this time. . . .

Things were different.

When you wanted candy.

You didn’t go to Channel One Free Market.

You went to . . . .


People were confused

It was chaotic

I’m hungry

15 thoughts on “It happened…..”

  1. Is there an event or something happening at your side? Or is it that players just prefer to go to channel 2?

  2. As you can see by the diagram above people migrated to teh right leaving teh left completly empty which interms means CONSPIRACY! BEWARE

    ~w/ Love Meizai

    BWAHAHAHAHA he, ugh,

  3. yeah lol all the worlds had the same proble. If you were on ch1 you were trapped there even if you logged out so you couldn’t log back in. It was a glitch and for a while ch 2 had as many people as ch1 . then finally i guess the everyone could log on again but decide dto go to ch2 just incase ch1 still had a problem

  4. It was a glitch. Read Mapleglobal or find out yourself.
    I did, and it took half an hour to log back on. Fifteen seconds later, I instructed my hamster army to eat Wizet.

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