Beggers Inc.


YAY! Steely!!!!!!

The high level player examined his prize after days an days of training. Hour after hour of mindless pressing of the CTRL button finally payed off. This is gonna clock enough cash to finally pay for all the pots I need, he thought. Suddenly, a level 10 or so player, by the less than imaginative name of 1AMPR0, walked up to the other player, with his F5 button jammed into his keyboard.

OMG!OMG!!!!!!!MES0S PL0X!!!!!!!11111

Quickly, the high levelled player went away, just escaping from the horrors of parting with his hard earned money. Behind the F5 face, 1AMPR0 frowned. He was really looking forward to 50k mesos from an ecstatic player, ready to do stupid things. He shrugged it off and pulled out a strange device. The device in question was a meso detector, the secret weapon of every self-respecting begger.

You see, 1AMPR0 was no ordinary n00b. He was secretly part of a group, known only as “Beggers Inc.” Every person who joined this group was given 2 months of intensive hardcore training in the art of bad grammar, sympathy exploitation and target tracking. Afterwards, the new member of the group was required to beg a quota of half a mil per day and surrender half of the spoils. The money earned was given to the master begger, who was so good at begging, he is the reason why Blackbull needs a new house.

The detector was not picking up anything and 1AMPR0 started to worry. He had only begged half of the quota and collection time was nearing. He started to imagine the horrors of being kicked out of the incorporation and having to earn money the hard way. Hours of whacking green slimes with a cheap weapon did not appeal to him. Suddenly, a beeping noise from his meso detector jerked him to consciousness. A small clock hand like object span around and pointed behind him. 1AMPR0 turned his head around and saw a beggars dream- there lying before him was a high levelled chief bandit, dropping thousands of mesos for meso explosion.

Now, any graduate of Begger’s Inc. was no ordinary beginner. They had beginner skills. No, not those stupid little beginner skills that don’t do anything- REAL beginner skills. Ones that let you loot so much that you can make Ellinia look like Perion. One of the 1AMPR0’s favourite skill was Uber Nimble Feet. When maxed, it gave the user better agility than someone with teleport, haste and fly hack combined. To gain SP for these resourceful skills, there was none of that silly monster whacking- it was based on how much money you paid the Begger’s Inc.

1AMPR0 activated Uber Nimble Feet. Then he proceeded to use another special skill known as distraction. This skill created a crazy blur of colours that gave nearby players instant epileptic seizures. The poor chief bandit didn’t stand a chance. 1AMPR0 rushed past and swept up the mesos in an instant, collecting the rest of his daily quota. He laughed as he ran away, jingling the thousands of coins in his inventory.

*This is my first real blog. Click that you liked it if you did. Tell me something useful (not pointless flame) if it was bad (eg. You need more plot/creativity/imagination)

13 thoughts on “Beggers Inc.”

  1. Bad character name.

    Stereotypical to an insulting extent

    This skill created a crazy blur of colours that gave nearby players instant epileptic seizures.


    Overall I praise you for your creativity.

  2. Lol nice one! I know that this is very well an exaggeration but to exaggerate it further, I’ll say it isn’t. It’s understating the severity noob! LOL no hard feelings.

  3. *. .clap. .* *. .clap. .* *clap, clap. .* *clap, clap, clap, clap. .* *clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap! ! !* *CLAAAAP!*
    AWSOME! make mooore!

  4. lol loved it, i dont understand what Verbose is trying to tell u, so ignore him, u described it enough, cant wait till next chapter!


  5. It made me laugh. . . and thats what i really need at the moment. Because my crazy english teacher decided to hurt my brain by giving me Jorge Luis Borges’ symbolistic short fiction
    Continue writing XD

    – VanillaPocki –

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