
I was wondering about some things in Maple and this website and I have some questions.
Just a bunch of things I would like to know even if you dont want to answer them or dont know the answer(s).

1. How old is this site?
2. Are you allowed to bump your own blogs with your own account?
3. Did you hear about this site from (like me)?
4. Are you allowed to make other accounts and say your thoughts on your own blogs or get mass views?
5. Is a double post bad?
6. Did Tiger report himself because he is receiving gifts from other maplers and got banned for 30 days?
7. Can sombody mystic door you to Zakum (actually to the alter)
8. Why is there a subway when you cant even travel to other cities?
9. What is inside the Internet Cafe (its the guy outside the potion shop in Kerning)?
10. Why does GameGaurd not block like 95% of third party programs; you dont even need a bypass?
11. What was the glitch at the old free market where you could get somewhere unreachable in the free market?
12. Why do people post saying “People dont read my blogs/stories/view mmoid”
13. What is the most expensive item in maple?

Please answer them if you can thanks.

3 thoughts on “Questions”

  1. 1) Apologies, i wouldn’t know about that
    2) Not really. You can’t click the “Click here if you enjoyed this blog.” button if it’s your own blog. Then again. . . I suppose. . . You can post into your own blog and then it will go to the “Latest Comments” section. However, thoughts like these aren’t really supported, as how you really should just write for fun and not care about your ratings ^_^
    3) I heard about this site from basilmarket. Makes sense though, considering that the owner of basilmarket is the owner of this site as well πŸ˜›
    4) Once again, this is possible, but highly frowned upon
    5) It’s not bad, but it is spammy. It looks unorganized and “nooby” (immature)
    6) I wouldn’t know, and to be honest, I wouldn’t care.
    7) Not to the alter, but to right before the door (right before you enter the actual place)
    8) Don’t ask me, ask the crazy Koreans
    9) It’s called Premium Road- I heard that you get experience bonuses, such as 1.5x exp, for training in there, but it’s not out yet in gMS (I don’t think), so I wouldn’t know.
    10) Crazy Koreans.
    11) I wouldn’t know about that glitch, but the old Free Market used to be way different. All Henesys themed and they only had about like, six rooms. Or something. Not as much as they have now, it was tiny D:
    12) People are just being selfish and pouting that nobody’s paying attention to them. However, attitude such as that usually gives them fake pity and even less readers.
    13) I suppose it all depends on the stats and which version of MS you’re talking about.

    Geeze that was a lot.
    Good luck to answering your questions o_O

    PS: Mip knows more than me.
    -is marked “WRONG” on teh forehead ΓΆ-

  2. Alllrighty, I’ll answer as many as I can!

    1. How old is this site? About 2 months old, I was here the 2nd day it was made. πŸ˜€
    2. Are you allowed to bump your own blogs with your own account? No, there’s no such thing as bumping blogs anyway, they don’t go higher on the list if they get comments. So that makes it slightly useless.
    3. Did you hear about this site from www, (like me)? Yep, that I did. Captain owns both this site and basilmarket, and tons others.
    4. Are you allowed to make other accounts and say your thoughts on your own blogs or get mass views? Bad. Very bad no no. It’s a biiiig bozo nono to make extra accounts to like yourself, or anything like that, or get more views, opinions or whatever. Bad bad bad. T_T
    5. Is a double post bad? Not really. Unless it’s on the forums.
    6. Did Tiger report himself because he is receiving gifts from other maplers and got banned for 30 days? I have no clue. I just stay out of the loop on that silly drama.
    7. Can sombody mystic door you to Zakum (actually to the alter) No. The closest you can door to is a Z4 (Zombie four) map.
    8. Why is there a subway when you cant even travel to other cities? Magic. I really always wondered where that dang thing would take you, maybe it used to go elsewhere, but got broken down? That would be a good entrance to yet another land. >w>
    9. What is inside the Internet Cafe (its the guy outside the potion shop in Kerning)? Uhm, I heard it was out in SEA. I can’t remember exactly what was in it, something about if you die, you get to choose weither to revive in the nearest city, or in there, and there are certain types of monsters in each room, I can’t remember,
    10. Why does GameGaurd not block like 95% of third party programs; you dont even need a bypass? I don’t know. I don’t get into that sort of stuff?
    11. What was the glitch at the old free market where you could get somewhere unreachable in the free market?I dunno. I was around then, but I never tried? When the Free Market wasn’t used for anything, people just never went in.
    12. Why do people post saying “People dont read my blogs/stories/view mmoid” Because they’re attention hogs? No really. People give up too easily, and I think they should just write for themselves, not for views and likes.
    13. What is the most expensive item in maple? Uh, the higher level mage/cleric-ish staffs. Check those out on basil. >_> And maybe some sort of godly work glove.

    This was fun to answer!


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